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PassFab for PDF is a lightweight but highly capable password removal utility that can help PC users to unlock PDF passwords and get access to the files with a single click of the button and a bit of patience. With full support for all types of PDF files and a wide array of procedures for password detection, users with locked PDF files can finally sigh a breath of relief and find a way to unlock documents for which they have lost or forgot passwords. These passwords can be not only for merely accessing the files but also for unlocking services such as PDF editing, copying, printing, and more. With PassFab for PDF, anyone with a modern PC can unlock the full potential of their PDF files.

However, finding an accurate password is not an easy task even for modern PCs since the app has to manually test hundreds of millions of combinations of characters, symbols, and numbers that could be used in a competent long password. To shorten the time required to crack a password, PassFab for PDF uses three different Attack patterns – “Dictionary attack” that will use terms and possible words form a large inbuilt or customized dictionary, “Brute Force with Mask Attack” where users can customize the length of the passwords, symbols, and numbers that they know were once part of the password, and “Brute Force Attack” that will try all possible combinations which will naturally require more time than other two techniques.

To accelerate password generation and testing, the app supports GPU acceleration that can perform up to 40 times than regular CPU processing. Both Nvidia and AMD graphic cards are supported, and users can even take advantage of the built-in pause and auto-resume recovery process so that they can free up their PC for other tasks when needed.

The entire procedure for getting PassFab for PDF up and running on a modern desktop or laptop PC is simple, requiring just to select the PDF file for unlocking and then picking one of the three offered encryption-breaking methods. The app will showcase real-time reports on the total time spent, search speed, and the number of passwords checked, which can even be up to several million password combinations in just a few seconds.

PassFab for PDF can be tested for FREE during the initial trial period, but the full potential of the app is unlocked only in the full paid version. Users are recommended to provide the app multi-core CPU or a capable GPU for faster password recovery.

Note: Purchase the application to gain access to all the offered features.

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