The world's largest marketplace for HD & 4K stock video and more!



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Pond5 is a popular stock media marketplace that enables creative individuals, teams, and businesses a way to discover and purchase an incredible variety of stock photos, music tracks, sound effects, videos, 3D models, and After Effects templates that can enrich projects of all types and sizes.

Save time and money with high-quality footage by professional artists from around the world. JOIN NOW!

Instead of forcing users to access large libraries of stock content via subscriptions, this innovative SaaS platform Pond5 for Windows PC 11/10 empowers users to purchase specific pieces of content at the best prices found online, and own them forever. An additional subscription option is of course also available, separated into content categories such as Music, Music & SFX, Footage Plus, and Custom.

Save time and money with high-quality footage by professional artists from around the world

Itwas created in 2006 and was a streamlined online marketplace that aimed to fulfill the needs of video producers on projects of all sizes, not by directly owning a large library of stock content, but by enabling 3rd party content creators to offer their content directly to customers from all around the world.

Quickly after that, the scope of their offerings expanded beyond video and introduced large libraries of photos, music, sound effects, 3D models, and Adobe After Effects templates. In 2022, Pond5 was acquired by Shutterstock, but its website, large community of creators, and streamlined browsing and purchase tools are still available to everyone for use.

Download unique, beautiful, and high-quality stock footage

After landing on its main website using any modern internet browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox, users are encouraged to immediately start exploring the large library of content that Pond5 hosts. This can be done via a powerful search engine that features simple to use tabbed interface, and support for tags and filtering using a wide array of options (Commercial/Editorial, price, collection type, duration, artist, image ratio, and much more).

The platform also hosts a small section of 100% free stock content, which includes HD and 4K video clips, music, and photos, which can be used both commercially and for personal projects. Each piece of stock content is available for purchase at various quality levels [image sizes or video resolution), with the best price guarantee available for each piece of content.

Does Pond5 have free content?

Yes! Pond5’s Free Collection is home to more than 3,000 complimentary HD & 4K video clips, images, and music tracks, yours to use in personal or business projects. With Public Domain Project, you also have access to thousands of free historic media files.

Affordable Pricing for Every Project

Once purchased, the content is fully owned by the user and can be deployed on any project worldwide, including licenses for use on the most popular social network platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok), video hosting sites (YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch), posted on the web (blogs, presentations) and use in any type of commercial and noncommercial projects (films, commercials, games, broadcasts, marketing, and more).


Wide Variety of Content: It offers a vast and diverse library of stock media content, which includes videos, music tracks, sound effects, images, 3D models, and more. This extensive collection makes it easier to find the right media for your project.

High-Quality Content: Many contributors on Pond5 provide professional-quality media content, which can be crucial for projects that require top-notch visuals or audio.

Royalty-Free Licensing: It offers a variety of licensing options, including royalty-free licenses, which can be cost-effective for projects with multiple uses or a wide audience.

Easy Search and Discovery: The platform provides robust search and filtering options, making it relatively simple to find the specific content you need for your project.

Contributor Options: If you're a content creator, you can become a contributor on the platform and earn money by selling your media content on the platform.

Global Marketplace: It has a global reach, making it accessible to both buyers and sellers from around the world.

Customization and Previewing: You can often preview and customize some media content before making a purchase, which can be helpful to ensure it fits your project's needs.


Pricing: While the platform can be cost-effective for many projects, premium content can still be relatively expensive, especially if you require exclusive rights or high-quality, unique assets.

Competition: Due to the popularity of Pond5, there is a lot of competition among contributors. This can make it challenging for newer contributors to gain visibility and sales.

Quality Variances: While there is high-quality content available on Pond5, the platform also hosts a wide range of content, including some lower-quality or outdated items. Buyers need to carefully review and assess the quality of the assets they plan to use.

Limited Free Content: Unlike some other stock media platforms, it doesn't offer a significant amount of free content. Most assets come with a price tag.

Competing Platforms: It faces competition from other stock media marketplaces, like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, and Getty Images. Depending on your specific needs, you may find other platforms more suitable.

Also Available: Download Pond5 for Mac