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Wowza Streaming Engine is a fully-featured service that can enable companies of all sizes to create their own personalized and flexible professional-grade streaming solution for the audience of any size. Backed with the core expertise, long experience, and advanced support, It can help you to quickly expand your streaming offerings to the largest scale, integrate it into hosting systems of some of the largest cloud data providers in the world, and provide your audience with flexible access to entertainment, business or educational streaming service.

To best fit the needs of the global audience, Wowza Streaming Engine features in-depth support for streaming any type of content available today. This includes streaming linear content, live video feeds, and on-demand content to any modern internet-connected device. The entire procedure of building your personalized streaming service is optimized for quick deployment, with built-in features for easy scalability. This includes not only real-time adjustment to the service needs of both your current and future needs but also helping you to save money by taking advantage of flexible licensing models.

Wowza Streaming Engine
can even be deployed on your on-premise server, where you can precisely tweak all the transcoding options and provide optimal viewing experience for all clients, no matter what type of device they are using. The server app architecture is optimized for both large-scale files, no-compromise visuals, and low-latency streams. For advanced users, Wowza Streaming Engine is fully compliant with many advanced features such as expandable and programmable architecture, access to mobile SDK, multi-level content security, integration with CDNs, automated management, advanced monitoring, and many others. All users of this app also have access to comprehensive premium support, video tutorials, documentation, APIs and SDKs.

It can be accessed via three license options (monthly payment per instance, annual payments per instance and perpetual license). You can also download and test a fully-featured 30-day FREE trial.

Note: 30 days trial version. In order to activate the trial, you must request a free license key.

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