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Komodo Edit

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Komodo Edit 11.0.1 Build 18119

  -  74.73 MB  -  Open Source

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Komodo Edit 11.0.1 Build 18119.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Komodo Edit or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • Komodo Edit 11.0.1 Build 18119 Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    Komodo Edit 11.0.1 Build 18119 Screenshot 1

What's new in this version:

- Clipboard manager: Fix caret position not updating when pasting
- Clipboard Manager: Mouse click breaks manager
- CodeIntel: Added unit test for some previous commits
- CodeIntel: Attempt to handle non-ascii-encoded code better
- CodeIntel: Auto-import all applicable PHP symbols into the current scope
- CodeIntel: call tips while typing pref not saving
- CodeIntel: CodeIntel now runs on instead of localhost
- CodeIntel: Completions now properly trigger on backspace
- CodeIntel: Correctly handle PHP ‘$’ variable prefixes
- CodeIntel: Do not give trailing ‘/’ for NodeJS module completions if there is an ‘index.js’ present
- CodeIntel: Do not include anonymous functions in scope completions
- CodeIntel: Do not include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript namespaces in PHP completions
- CodeIntel: Do not show completions for Python class or function names
- CodeIntel: Do not show completions in CSS value functions like rgb()
- CodeIntel: Do not show completions right after a ‘,’, as it’s often part of a non-call expression
- CodeIntel: Don’t ask to restart just for looking at the pref screen
- CodeIntel: Don’t trigger completions on whitespace
- CodeIntel: Don’t truncate log when codeintel restarts
- CodeIntel: Ensure attempted scope merges only happen on scopes for PHP completions
- CodeIntel: Ensure symbollist is always visible
- CodeIntel: Fix completion selection details disappearing while typing
- CodeIntel: Fix completions not triggering on backspace
- CodeIntel: Fix completions not working on large PHP projects
- CodeIntel: Fix completions showing stale entries when backspacing
- CodeIntel: Fix completions sometimes showing stale results
- CodeIntel: Fix completions sometimes triggering when they shouldn’t
- CodeIntel: Fixed gotoDefinition service not handling non-scope definitions properly
- CodeIntel: Fix sorting of completion results
- CodeIntel: Fix sorting, should be case insensitive and “private” properties should show last
- CodeIntel: Greatly improved the accuracy of PHP member completions
- CodeIntel: Handle “&:” pseudo-class contexts in Less
- CodeIntel: Ignore “- CodeIntel: Make completions case insensitive
- CodeIntel: PHP completion contexts should not occur when typing “- CodeIntel: Revert “Hacking previoux fix purely for Komodo 11 RC constraints.”
- CodeIntel: Support CSS completions in HTML style=“” attributes
- CodeIntel: The codeintel socket now runs on instead of localhost (removes host lookup)
- CodeIntel: Traits should not be linked to classes
- CodeIntel: Updated language router to handle PHP’s ‘$’ variable prefixing
- Commando: Fix composer integration causing Komodo to hang
- Dependencies: binaries set to to “found” when they don’t exist
- Dependencies: “Located on PATH” being set as binary
- Dependencies: Safer way of checking for user selected value
- Editing: Respect default language-specific indentation preference
- Editor: Fixed bug cleaning line endings for lines with form-feed characters
- Editor: Fix margin click triggering repeatedly (fixes track changes repositioning on click)
- Editor: Fix position being offset improperly on macOS, Windows
- Editor: Highlight double-clicked variables
- Folder Template: Can’t use if space in name or path
- FolderTemplate: Kill progress bar when no local path
- Folder Templates: Fix regression where http urls would no longer work
- Keybindings: Fix default binding for “jump to previous section” not working
- Languages: Fixed legacy section regexes for JavaScript functions
- Linter: Log file operation exceptions so we actually have the requisite info to fix the issue
- Logging: Don’t log “key event not available on some keyboard” messages
- Other: Fix issue where sometimes opening a window twice would break the window
- Places: Fix “Refresh Status” sometimes being disabled
- Places: Fix refresh status still disabled in some cases
- Preferences: Fix certain language fields loading multiple times
- Preferences: Fix color scheme preferences sometimes defaulting to the wrong theme
- Preferences: Fix Notification categories not showing
- Prefs: lang pref checkbox icons too large on retina
- Prefs: remove bad paths for executable prefs
- Prefs: Show selected exe path
- Prefs: Show selected exe path
- Prefs: Upgrade File association prefs between versions
- Preview: Don’t allow invoking the preview for unsupported languages
- Previewer: Update preview on any buffer edit, including copy/paste
- Preview: Fix preview not available on HTML5, Angular and JSX files
- Printing: Fix printing not working
- Publishing: fix icon sizes on retina
- Scintilla: Applied upstream patch in an attempt to improve scrolling on MacOS 10.12
- SDK: DOM: fix once triggering more than once if an exception occured
- SDK: DOM: properly detect integers when setting CSS values
- SDK: Fix code intel prefs not saving
- SDK: fix filepath looking at the wrong object
- SDK: fix menulist elements not considering an empty string a valid value
- SDK: Fix topWindow.location undefined error
- SDK: menulist: fix values not always being set properly
- SDK: Modal dialogs sitting ontop of alert dialogs
- SDK: remove unused properties of listcols and listhead
- Sdk: stylesheet: Fix global stylesheets not properly reloading
- SDK UI: Allow radio to handle boolean for selected
- SDK: ui/menulist: only use element.value if it actually holds a value
- SDK: Windows: Added getWindowByName method
- Slack: Can’t open slack share snippet in browser
- Slack: Interactive bubble not shown on success
- Startup Wizard: Add border around editor sample
- Startup Wizard: binary prefs not saving
- Startup Wizard: Fix dropdown lists not getting their value defined
- Startup Wizard: Fix sample not updating when toggling classic mode
- Toolbox: Fix some tools becoming corrupted when importing to Komodo 11
- Toolbox: Upgrade code wasn’t upgrading new format tools
- UI: Don’t fail loading base UI components just cause one widget doesnt exist
- UI: Fix color picker and pref window sized incorrectly
- UI: Fix color scheme not applying to all UI components
- UI: Fix dialogs gradually growing larger each time they’re opened (Windows only)
- UI: Fix maximize sometimes not working on Windows
- UI: Fix some dialogs infinitely growing larger
- UI: Fix startup wizard resizing at the end of the depency scan, causing a black border on Windows
- UI: Remove old template UI elements that we missed
- UI: Reset all window dimensions to their defaults due to a variety of window dimension issues in v11.0.0
- Unit tests: Fix unit tests not running due to “ko undefined” error
- Update doc links to new docs URL
- Update JSDoc for some of our main modules, or modules that were just outright not showing properly
- VCS: Fix pull with Rebase not working
- Windows: Fix some windows not opening
- Windows: Fix window restore failing

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