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MuseScore 3.6.2 (64-bit)

  -  107 MB  -  Open Source

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system. Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of MuseScore 3.6.2 (64-bit).

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of MuseScore or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • MuseScore 3.6.2 (64-bit) Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    MuseScore 3.6.2 (64-bit) Screenshot 1
  • MuseScore 3.6.2 (64-bit) Screenshot 2

What's new in this version:

- an issue with gap between staff and final barline with courtesy clef
- an issue when removing spanners from measures outside of the rewrite range
- an accessibility issue with the score migration dialog
- a crash related to QtWebEngineProcess after update
- an issue with timeline showing part name rather than instrument name
- an issue with focus of dockable windows when visibility is toggled
- an issue where custom gliss text reverts to default "gliss"
- Added missing Flügelhorns to instrument ordering definitions
- an issue where beams cannot be connected over quarter rests
- an issue where staff spacers do not work on last system of page
- an issue with broken swapping of notes/chords with Shift + Left/Right
- an issue with incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file
- an issue with unsaved default settings to pre-3.6 score after 'reset styles to default'
- an issue with Banjo fifth string fret numbers
- an issue where invisible breath marks impact layout
- a crash during the opening of a score with a missing section break
- Applying tremolo is now a toggle operation
- an issue where the Mixer panel is not fully shown when opened
- an issue where an empty rehearsal mark is not deleted after entering a system break
- an issue where multi-measure rest numbers can collide with other elements
- an issue where deleting a breath/caesura leads to the wrong note being selected
- an issue when parts inherit non-default style from score
- a crash when changing time signature at the beginning of a corrupted measure
- an issue with unreadable chord symbols
- Updated the close icon for Import Midi Panel (and Find/GoTo)
- an issue with auto-sizing of vertical frames when dragging the height handle

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