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Python (32-bit)

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Python 3.6.5 (32-bit)

  -  29.3 MB  -  Open Source

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system. Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of Python 3.6.5 (32-bit).

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of Python (32-bit) or reading our review, simply click here.

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  • Python 3.6.5 (32-bit) Screenshots

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What's new in this version:

- Minimal fix to prevent buffer overrun in os.symlink on Windows
- Regexes in difflib and poplib were vulnerable to catastrophic backtracking. These regexes formed potential DOS vectors (REDOS). They have been refactored.

Core and Builtins:
- Fixed jumping out of “with” block by setting f_lineno.
- Prevent jumps from ‘return’ and ‘exception’ trace events.
- Update Valgrind suppression list to account for the rename of Py_ADDRESS_IN_RANG to address_in_range.
- Pdb and other debuggers dependent on bdb.py will correctly step over (next command) native coroutines.
- Improve suggestion when the Python 2 form of print statement is either present on the same line as the header of a compound statement or else terminated by a semi-colon instead of a newline.
- Fix possible crashing in builtin Unicode decoders caused by write out-of- bound errors when using customized decode error handlers.
- Improved frozenset() hash to create more distinct hash values when faced with datasets containing many similar values.
- The __debug__ constant is now optimized out at compile time.
- sys.flags.hash_randomization is now properly set to 0 when hash randomization is turned off by PYTHONHASHSEED=0.
- The optimizer is now protected from spending much time doing complex calculations and consuming much memory for creating large constants in constant folding.
- repr() on a dict containing its own values() or items() no longer raises RecursionError; OrderedDict similarly. Instead, use ..., as for other recursive structures.
- Leading whitespace is now correctly ignored when generating suggestions for converting Py2 print statements to Py3 builtin print function calls.
- The repr of deeply nested dict now raises a RecursionError instead of crashing due to a stack overflow.

- lib2to3 now properly supports trailing commas after *args and **kwargs in function signatures.
- Avoid failing in multiprocessing.Process if the standard streams are closed or None at exit.
- Skip sending/receiving data after SSL transport closing.
- Fix ctypes pass-by-value for structs on 64-bit Cygwin/MinGW.
- Fix inspect.signature() for single-parameter partialmethods.
- Expose several missing constants in zlib and fix corresponding documentation.
- Fixed tarfile.itn handling of out-of-bounds float values.
- The ssl module now detects missing NPN support in LibreSSL.
- dbm.open() now encodes filename with the filesystem encoding rather than default encoding.
- In os.dup2, don’t check every call whether the dup3 syscall exists or not.
- Rewrite confusing message from setup.py upload from “No dist file created in earlier command” to the more helpful “Must create and upload files in one command”.
- In tkinter, after_cancel(None) now raises a ValueError instead of canceling the first scheduled function.
- Make sure sys.argv remains as a list when running trace.
- Fixed asyncio.Condition issue which silently ignored cancellation after notifying and cancelling a conditional lock.
- Fixed refleaks of __init__() methods in various modules.
- Fixed guessing quote and delimiter in csv.Sniffer.sniff() when only the last field is quoted.
- socket: Remove TCP_FASTOPEN, TCP_KEEPCNT flags on older version Windows during run-time.
- Fix a rare but potential pre-exec child process deadlock in subprocess on POSIX systems when marking file descriptors inheritable on exec in the child process. This bug appears to have been introduced in 3.4.
- The ctypes module used to depend on indirect linking for dlopen. The shared extension is now explicitly linked against libdl on platforms with dl.
- Fixed asyncio.Lock() safety issue which allowed acquiring and locking the same lock multiple times, without it being free.
- Do not include name field in SMTP envelope from address.
- Fix email address header parsing error when the username is an empty quoted string.
- distutils’ upload command no longer corrupts tar files ending with a CR byte, and no longer tries to convert CR to CRLF in any of the upload text fields.
- uuid.uuid1 no longer raises an exception if a 64-bit hardware address is encountered.
- Fix the error handling in Aifc_read.initfp() when the SSND chunk is not found.
- On FreeBSD and Solaris, os.strerror() now always decode the byte string from the current locale encoding, rather than using ASCII/surrogateescape in some cases.
- The nis module is now compatible with new libnsl and headers location.
- Improve ABCMeta._dump_registry() output readability
- glibc has removed Sun RPC. Use replacement libtirpc headers and library in nis module.
- Ensure that truncate() preserves the file position (as reported by tell()) after writes longer than the buffer size.
- Don’t unsubscribe signals in asyncio UNIX event loop on interpreter shutdown.
- The SSL module no longer sends IP addresses in SNI TLS extension on platforms with OpenSSL 1.0.2+ or inet_pton.
- urllib.parse.urlsplit() does not convert zone-id (scope) to lower case for scoped IPv6 addresses in hostnames now.
- Fix bdist_wininst of distutils for CRT v142: it binary compatible with CRT v140.
- A single empty field is now always quoted when written into a CSV file. This allows to distinguish an empty row from a row consisting of a single empty field.
- Raise NotImplementedError instead of SystemError on platforms where chmod(..., follow_symlinks=False) is not supported.
- The getnode() ip getter now uses ‘ip link’ instead of ‘ip link list’.
- Ensure TCP_NODELAY is set on Linux.
- The locale.localeconv() function now sets temporarily the LC_CTYPE locale to the LC_NUMERIC locale to decode decimal_point and thousands_sep byte strings if they are non-ASCII or longer than 1 byte, and the LC_NUMERIC locale is different than the LC_CTYPE locale. This temporary change affects other threads. Same change for the str.format() method when formatting a number (int, float, float and subclasses) with the n type (ex: '{:n}'.format(1234)).
- Importing native path module (posixpath, ntpath) now works even if the os module still is not imported.

- Clarify docs for -O and -OO. Patch by Terry Reedy
- Update link to w3c doc for xml default namespaces
- Document __getattr__() behavior when property get() method raises AttributeError
- Modify RE examples in documentation to use raw strings to prevent DeprecationWarning and add text to REGEX HOWTO to highlight the deprecation
- Improve docstrings for pathlib.PurePath subclasses
- Explain real behaviour of sys.settrace and sys.setprofile and their C-API counterparts regarding which type of events are received in each function

- Fix failing test_asyncio on macOS 10.12.2+ due to transport of KqueueSelector loop was not being closed
- Fix test_hashlib to not fail if the _md5 module is not built
- Fix faulthandler_suppress_crash_report() used to prevent core dump files when testing crashes. getrlimit() returns zero on success
- Debian Unstable has disabled TLS 1.0 and 1.1 for SSLv23_METHOD(). Change TLS/SSL protocol of some tests to PROTOCOL_TLS or PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 to make them pass on Debian

- Fix segfault of the crypt module when libxcrypt is provided instead of libcrypt at the system

- Fix potential use of uninitialized memory in nt._getfinalpathname
- Fix a memory leak in os.chdir() on Windows if the current directory is set to a UNC path
- Fixed WindowsConsoleIO.write() for writing empty data
- Ensures activate.bat can handle Unicode contents
- Improves handling of denormalized executable path when launching Python
- Use the correct encoding for ipconfig output in the uuid module
- Fix os.readlink() on Windows, which was mistakenly treating the PrintNameOffset field of the reparse data buffer as a number of characters instead of bytes
- Create standalone _distutils_findvs module

- Provide an additional, more modern macOS installer variant that supports macOS 10.9+ systems in 64-bit mode only. Upgrade the supplied third-party libraries to OpenSSL 1.0.2n, XZ 5.2.3, and SQLite 3.22.0. The 10.9+ installer now links with and supplies its own copy of Tcl/Tk 8.6.8.

- Set __file__ while running a startup file. Like Python, IDLE optionally runs one startup file in the Shell window before presenting the first interactive input prompt. For IDLE, -s runs a file named in environmental variable IDLESTARTUP or PYTHONSTARTUP; -r file runs file. Python sets __file__ to the startup file name before running the file and unsets it before the first prompt. IDLE now does the same when run normally, without the -n option
- Simplify and rename StringTranslatePseudoMapping in pyparse
- Change str to code in pyparse
- Remove unused code in pyparse module
- Add tests for pyparse
- Using the system and place-dependent default encoding for open() is a bad idea for IDLE’s system and location-independent files
- Add “encoding=utf-8” to open() in IDLE’s test_help_about. GUI test test_file_buttons() only looks at initial ascii-only lines, but failed on systems where open() defaults to ‘ascii’ because readline() internally reads and decodes far enough ahead to encounter a non-ascii character in CREDITS.txt
- Update configdialog General tab docstring to add new widgets to the widget list

- 2to3 and lib2to3 can now read pickled grammar files using pkgutil.get_data() rather than probing the filesystem. This lets 2to3 and lib2to3 work when run from a zipfile
- Fix pygettext not extracting docstrings for functions with type annotated arguments

- Undocumented C API for OrderedDict has been excluded from the limited C API. It was added by mistake and actually never worked in the limited C API

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