A remarkably powerful dynamic programming language

Python (64-bit)

Python (64-bit)

  -  25.5 MB  -  Open Source
  • Latest Version

    Python 3.12.4 (64-bit) LATEST

  • Review by

    Daniel Leblanc

  • Operating System

    Windows Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64 / Windows 11

  • User Rating

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  • Author / Product

    Python Software Foundation / External Link

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Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that can be used for many kinds of software development. It offers strong support for integration with other languages and tools, comes with extensive standard libraries, and can be learned in a few days.

Note that Python 3.9+ cannot be used on Windows 7 or earlier.

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that emphasizes code readability and simplicity. Guido van Rossum initially developed it in the late 1980s, and since then, it has evolved into a robust language with a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Python's versatility allows it to be used for a wide range of applications, including web development, data analysis, scientific computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation.

Many Python programmers report substantial productivity gains and feel the language encourages the development of higher quality, more maintainable code. The app runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, macOS, OS/2, Amiga, Palm Handhelds, and Nokia mobile phones. The app has also been ported to the Java and .NET virtual machines. Python 64-bit is distributed under an OSI-approved open-source license that makes it free to use, even for commercial products.

Some of its key distinguishing features include:
  • Very clear, readable syntax
  • Strong introspection capabilities
  • Intuitive object orientation
  • Natural expression of procedural code
  • Full modularity, supporting hierarchical packages
  • Exception-based error handling
  • Very high-level dynamic data types
  • Extensive standard libraries and third-party modules for virtually every task
  • Extensions and modules easily are written in C, C++ (or Java for Jython, or .NET languages for IronPython)
  • Embeddable within applications as a scripting interface
Python's standard library supports many Internet protocols:
  • HTML and XML
  • JSON
  • E-mail processing.
  • Support for FTP, IMAP, and other Internet protocols.
  • Easy-to-use socket interface.
And the Package Index has yet more libraries:
  • Requests, a powerful HTTP client library.
  • BeautifulSoup, is an HTML parser that can handle all sorts of oddball HTML.
  • Feedparser for parsing RSS/Atom feeds.
  • Paramiko, implementing the SSH2 protocol.
  • Twisted Python, a framework for asynchronous network programming.

Easy-to-learn Syntax: Python's syntax is clean and intuitive, making it an excellent choice for beginners. Its indentation-based structure enforces code readability and reduces the chances of syntactical errors.

Extensive Libraries: It boasts a rich collection of libraries, such as NumPy for scientific computing, Pandas for data manipulation, Matplotlib for data visualization, TensorFlow and PyTorch for machine learning, Django and Flask for web development, and many more. These libraries significantly accelerate development and reduce the need for reinventing the wheel.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: The app is available on major operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, ensuring that developers can seamlessly switch between different environments.

Dynamically Typed: The app is a dynamically typed language, which means variables do not need explicit declarations. This feature allows for faster development and easy prototyping.

Integration Capabilities: It easily integrates with other programming languages like C, C++, and Java, enabling developers to leverage existing codebases and libraries.

User Interface

It is primarily a command-line-based language, meaning it lacks a dedicated graphical user interface (GUI). However, several Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and code editors provide a visual interface to enhance the development experience. Popular choices include PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, Atom, and Jupyter Notebook. These tools offer features like code autocompletion, syntax highlighting, debugging capabilities, and easy project management.

Installation and Setup

Installing Python is a straightforward process. The official website provides installers for various operating systems. Users can download the installer, run it, and follow the step-by-step instructions to complete the installation. It also offers a package manager called pip, which allows users to install additional libraries and frameworks effortlessly.


What makes Python stand out as a programming language?
Python's simplicity, readability, and extensive library support make it stand out. It has a gentle learning curve and allows developers to accomplish more with fewer lines of code.

Can I build web applications using Python?
Absolutely! It offers powerful web frameworks like Django and Flask, which simplify web development tasks and provide robust tools for creating scalable applications.

Is Python suitable for scientific computing and data analysis?
Yes, the app is widely used in the scientific community. Libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib provide comprehensive support for numerical computing, data manipulation, and visualization.

Are there resources available for learning Python?
Yes, it has an extensive community with a wealth of learning resources. Online tutorials, documentation, interactive courses, and books cater to learners of all levels.

Can I contribute to the Python community?
Absolutely! Python is an open-source language, and contributions are welcomed. You can contribute to the development of the core language, and libraries, or participate in open-source projects.

What is Python?
A programming language finds application in various domains. It serves as an introductory programming language in several high schools and colleges due to its simplicity. However, it also holds significance among professional software developers at renowned establishments like Google, NASA, and Lucasfilm Ltd.

Can I uninstall Python?
The answer to this question depends on the origin of your Python installation.

If someone deliberately installed Python on your machine, you can safely remove it without causing any harm. On Windows, you can use the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel for this purpose.

If Python was installed as part of a third-party application, you can remove it; however, be aware that the associated application will no longer function properly. It is advisable to utilize the uninstaller provided by the specific application rather than directly removing Python.

If the app came pre-installed with your operating system, it is not recommended to uninstall it. Doing so would render any tools reliant on Python inoperable, and some of these tools might be essential to you. In such a scenario, reinstalling the entire operating system would be necessary to restore functionality.


JavaScript: Primarily used for web development, JavaScript is a versatile language with an extensive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. It is particularly suitable for client-side scripting and interactive web applications.

R: A programming language specifically designed for statistical analysis and data visualization. It excels in the field of data science and is preferred by statisticians and researchers.

Java: A general-purpose language known for its robustness, scalability, and cross-platform compatibility. It is widely used for building enterprise-level applications, Android development, and large-scale systems.

C#: Developed by Microsoft, C# is a versatile language used for building Windows applications, web services, and game development using the Unity engine.

Ruby: A dynamic, object-oriented language known for its simplicity and elegant syntax. It is often used in web development frameworks like Ruby on Rails.

System Requirements
  • Operating System: Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Processor: 1 GHz or faster
  • RAM: 1 GB (minimum), 4 GB or more (recommended)
  • Disk Space: 200 MB for Python installation
  • Simplicity and readability
  • Vast library ecosystem
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Extensive community support
  • Integration capabilities
  • Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) can limit multi-threading performance
  • Relatively slower execution speed compared to low-level languages
  • Lack of a dedicated GUI (Graphical User Interface)

Python's versatility, simplicity, and extensive library support make it an exceptional programming language for various applications. Its intuitive syntax and broad community support contribute to its popularity among beginners and experienced developers alike. From web development to data science and artificial intelligence, it shines as a powerful and flexible tool.

Whether you are a novice programmer or a seasoned developer, Python's capabilities and vast ecosystem make it a worthy addition to your software toolkit. Good luck from the FileHorse review team with creating an application, data, website, IoT, or game using this amazing programming language!

Also Available: Python (32-bit) and Python for Mac

  • Python 3.12.4 (64-bit) Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    Python 3.12.4 (64-bit) Screenshot 1
  • Python 3.12.4 (64-bit) Screenshot 2
  • Python 3.12.4 (64-bit) Screenshot 3
  • Python 3.12.4 (64-bit) Screenshot 4
  • Python 3.12.4 (64-bit) Screenshot 5

What's new in this version:

- os.mkdir() on Windows now accepts mode of 0o700 to restrict the new directory to the current user. This fixes CVE-2024-4030 affecting tempfile.mkdtemp() in scenarios where the base temporary directory is more permissive than the default.
- Update bundled libexpat to 2.6
- Detect BLAKE2, SHA3, Shake, & truncated SHA512 support in the OpenSSL-ish libcrypto library at build time. This allows hashlib to be used with libraries that do not to support every algorithm that upstream OpenSSL does

Core and Builtins:
- Fix execution of annotation scopes within classes when globals is set to a non-dict
- Speed up os.path.normpath() with a direct C call
- Fix bug where names are unexpectedly mangled in the bases of generic classes
- Fix bug where names appearing after a generic class are mangled as if they are in the generic class
- Fix os.path.isfile() on Windows for pipes
- Non-builtin modules built with argument clinic were crashing if used in a subinterpreter before the main interpreter. The objects that were causing the problem by leaking between interpreters carelessly have been fixed
- Fixes type.__type_params__ to return an empty tuple instead of a descriptor
- Fix _Py_ClearImmortal() assertion: use _Py_IsImmortal() to tolerate reference count lower than _Py_IMMORTAL_REFCNT. Fix the assertion for the stable ABI, when a C extension is built with Python 3.11 or lower
- Fix incorrect UnboundLocalError when two comprehensions in the same function both reference the same name, and in one comprehension the name is bound while in the other it’s an implicit global
- Break a loop between the Python implementation of the decimal module and the Python code for integer to string conversion. Also optimize integer to string conversion for values in the range from 9_000 to 135_000 decimal digits
- Fix bug where generator.close does not free the generator frame’s locals
- Fix crash in compiler on ‘async with’ that has many context managers
- Prevent agen.aclose() objects being re-used after .throw()
- prevent concurrent access to an async generator via athrow().throw() or asend().throw(
- Fixed a possible segfault during garbage collection of _asyncio.FutureIter object

- Fix regression to allow logging configuration with multiprocessing queue types
- Fix issue with shutil.rmtree() where a RecursionError is raised on deep directory trees
- Partially fix issue with shutil.rmtree() where a RecursionError is raised on deep directory trees. A recursion error is no longer raised when rmtree.avoids_symlink_attacks is false
- Fix performance regression in the tokenize module by caching the line token attribute and calculating the column offset more efficiently
- Fix issue with os.fwalk() where a RecursionError was raised on deep directory trees by adjusting the implementation to be iterative instead of recursive
- Now, the method sock_connect of asyncio.ProactorEventLoop raises a ValueError if given socket is not in non-blocking mode, as well as in other loop implementations
- Fix high DPI causes turtledemo(turtle-graphics examples) windows blurr
- Fix an AttributeError in the email module when re-fold a long address list. Also fix more cases of incorrect encoding of the address separator in the address list
- Make pdb return to caller frame correctly when f_trace of the caller frame is not se
- Fixed issue where kwargs were no longer passed to the logging handler QueueHandle
- The Python implementation of the decimal module could appear to hang in relatively small power cases (like 2**117) if context precision was set to a very high value. A different method to check for exactly representable results is used now that doesn’t rely on computing 10**precision (which could be effectively too large to compute)
- Fix inspect.signature() for non-comparable callables
- Fix an edge case in binascii.a2b_base64() strict mode, where excessive padding is not detected when no padding is necessary
- Fix an unraisable exception in telnetlib.Telnet.__del__() when the __init__() method was not called
- Fix a bug where sqlite3.iterdump() could fail if a custom row factory was used
- Fix regression introduced in gh-103193 that meant that calling inspect.getattr_static() on an instance would cause a strong reference to that instance’s class to persist in an internal cache in the inspect module. This caused unexpected memory consumption if the class was dynamically created, the class held strong references to other objects which took up a significant amount of memory, and the cache contained the sole strong reference to the class. The fix for the regression leads to a slowdown in getattr_static(), but the function should still be significantly faster than it was in Python 3.11
- Fixed unittest.mock.create_autospec() to configure parent mock with keyword arguments
- Fix incorrect argument substitution when typing.Unpack is used with the builtin tuple. typing.Unpack now raises TypeError when used with certain invalid types
- Fix dataclasses.dataclass() not creating a __weakref__ slot when subclassing typing.Generic
- Do not try to get the source line for made up file name “sys” in warnings
- Fix erroneous NameError when calling typing.get_type_hints() on a class that made use of PEP 695 type parameters in a module that had from __future__ import annotations at the top of the file
- Don’t raise DeprecationWarning when a sequence of parameters is used to bind indexed, nameless placeholders. See also gh-100668
- Fix TypeError in email.message.Message.get_payload() when the charset is RFC 2231 encoded
- Fix IndexError when parse some emails with invalid Message-ID (including one-off addresses generated by Microsoft Outlook)
- Improve the error messages emitted by tarfile deprecation warnings relating to PEP 706. If a filter argument is not provided to extract() or extractall, the deprecation warning now points to the line in the user’s code where the relevant function was called
- site module now parses .pth file with UTF-8 first, and locale encoding if UnicodeDecodeError happened. It supported only locale encoding before
- Fixes a bug when doctest.DocTestFinder was failing on wrapped builtin_function_or_method
- ipaddress.IPv6Address.is_loopback() will now return True for IPv4-mapped loopback addresses, i.e. addresses in the ::ffff: address space
- Fix support of non-ASCII user names in bytes paths in os.path.expanduser() on Posix
- Only treat '\n', '\r' and '\r\n' as line separators in re-folding the email messages. Preserve control characters '\v', '\f', '\x1c', '\x1d' and '\x1e' and Unicode line separators '\x85', '\u2028' and '\u2029' as is
Fixed various false positives and false negatives i:
- ipaddress.IPv4Address.is_private (see these docs for details)
- ipaddress.IPv4Address.is_global
- ipaddress.IPv6Address.is_private
- ipaddress.IPv6Address.is_global

- Also in the corresponding ipaddress.IPv4Network and ipaddress.IPv6Network attributes.
- Fix lack of newline characters in trace module output when line tracing is enabled but source code line for current frame is not available
- Fix missing spaces in email headers when the spaces are mixed with encoded 8-bit characters
- Prepare Tkinter for C API changes in Tcl 8.7/9.0 to avoid _tkinter.Tcl_Obj being unexpectedly returned instead of bool, str, bytearray, or int
- Fixed handling in inspect.Signature.bind() of keyword arguments having the same name as positional-only arguments when a variadic keyword argument (e.g. **kwargs) is present
- bpo-45767: Fix integer conversion in os.major(), os.minor(), and os.makedev(). Support device numbers larger than 2**63-1. Support non-existent device number (NODEV).
- bpo-40943: Fix several IndexError when parse emails with truncated Message-ID, address, routes, etc, e.g. example@.
- bpo-30988: Fix parsing of emails with invalid address headers having a leading or trailing dot
- Fix urllib.parse.urlunparse() and urllib.parse.urlunsplit() for URIs with path starting with multiple slashes and no authority
- bpo-15010: unittest.TestLoader.discover() now saves the original value of unittest.TestLoader._top_level_dir and restores it at the end of the call.

- The minimum Sphinx version required for the documentation is now 6.2.1
- Changes to documentation files and config outputs to reflect the new location for reporting bugs - i.e. GitHub rather than bugs.python.org

- regrtest test runner: Add XML support to the refleak checker (-R option)

- Adds Unicode support and fixes audit events for _winapi.CreateNamedPipe
- Fixes py.exe handling of shebangs like /usr/bin/env python3.12, which were previously interpreted as python3.exe instead of python3.12.exe
- Fixes launcher updates not being installed
- Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.45.3
- Suppress the warning displayed on virtual environment creation when the requested and created paths differ only by a short (8.3 style) name. Warnings will continue to be shown if a junction or symlink in the path caused the venv to be created in a different location than originally requested

- Update macOS installer to use SQLite 3.45.3
- Update macOS installer to Tcl/Tk 8.6.14

- bpo-34774: Use user-selected color theme for Help => IDLE Doc.

- Fix crash when a thread state that was created by PyGILState_Ensure() calls a destructor that during PyThreadState_Clear() that calls back into PyGILState_Ensure() and PyGILState_Release(). This might occur when in the free-threaded build or when using thread-local variables whose destructors call PyGILState_Ensure()
- Improve validation logic in the C implementation of datetime.fromisoformat() to better handle invalid years