A generic post-processing injector for games and video software



  -  3.51 MB  -  Open Source
  • Latest Version

    ReShade 6.2.0 LATEST

  • Review by

    Sophia Jones

  • Operating System

    Windows 7 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 / Windows 10 64 / Windows 11

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    ReShade Team / External Link

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ReShade is an open-source post-processing injector that can intercept the certain information videogame engines are sending from CPU to GPU, and alter that data in order to incorporate brand new rendering techniques used to alter the look of final game visuals.

With this app, PC gamers can effortlessly add a wide variety of custom processing templates to their favorite video games, adding new elements such as  Anti-Aliasing, screen-space ambient occlusion, chromatic aberration, depth of field effects, film grain, color correction, color post-processing, multi-pass blurring and many other effects that are not natively supported by many video games.

It is important to note that while ReShade for PC has the ability to work with frame color and depth information data generated by the game engine, the depth information and the plugins that depend on it are available only during the singleplayer games to prevent possible exploitation and cheating in a multiplayer environment. In addition to the built-in plugins, users are also encouraged to create their own using ReShade’s very own shading language and transcompiler named ReShade FX.

Managed by “croside” and constantly upgraded with community contribution, this useful post-processing utility has managed to become one of the most common ways gamers from all around the world can alter the look of their favorite game titles. To install and get it up and running, users are simply required to download the app, start the setup tool, follow the instructions, get into the game, and press the hotkey button that will turn on the ReShade overlay.

It should be noted that this app can drain a few rendering resources during gaming, and various effects can especially strain your GPU. This is most obvious with the demanding raytracing plugins that can introduce realistic lightning to games but requires top-of-the-line GPU hardware to reach playable framerates.


Customizable Effects
It provides an extensive library of effects that can be combined and tweaked to create unique visual styles. From sharpening and ambient occlusion to depth-based effects and color grading, users have complete control over how their games look.

Real-time Configuration
The software allows for on-the-fly adjustments, enabling users to experiment with different settings and instantly see the results in-game without the need for restarts or additional setup.

Easy Installation
It offers a user-friendly installation process, providing detailed instructions and automatic configuration for most games. It supports a wide range of DirectX versions and can be easily integrated into popular game launchers.

Community-Driven Presets
Users can access a vast library of community-created presets, which are pre-configured combinations of effects that achieve specific visual styles or mimic popular cinematic looks. This feature simplifies the customization process for those who prefer not to fine-tune every setting manually.

It works with a vast array of PC games, regardless of genre or release date, making it a versatile tool for gamers looking to enhance the graphics of their favorite titles.

User Interface

It sports a clean and intuitive user interface. It features a straightforward layout, providing easy access to all the customization options. The interface allows users to load and manage presets, adjust individual effects, and fine-tune parameters using sliders and toggles. The simplicity of the interface ensures that both novice and advanced users can navigate the software with ease.

Installation and Setup
  • Download the latest version of ReShade from the official website or FileHorse.
  • Run the installer and select the game you want to enhance. It will automatically detect the game's executable file.
  • Choose the DirectX version used by the game.
  • Select the effects you want to install from the available library or skip this step to manually install effects later.
  • Start the game, and the app will display an overlay that allows you to configure the effects in real time.
How to Use

Once installed, it provides various customization options. Here's a quick guide on using the software effectively:
  • Accessing the Configuration Menu: Press the designated key (usually "Shift + F2") to open the ReShade overlay during gameplay.
  • Loading and Managing Presets: Use the overlay to load community presets or create and save your own for different games.
  • Adjusting Effects: Fine-tune individual effects by modifying their parameters using the sliders and toggles in the configuration menu.
  • Real-time Preview: Observe the changes in real-time as you tweak the settings to achieve your desired visual style.
  • Saving Configuration: Once satisfied with your adjustments, save the configuration for future use or share it with the ReShade community.

Can ReShade be used with any game?
The app is compatible with a wide range of PC games. However, certain anti-cheat systems or games with heavily modified graphics engines may not work well with ReShade.

Are there any performance impacts while using ReShade?
It does impose some performance overhead, as it adds post-processing effects to the game's rendering pipeline. The impact on performance will vary depending on the game, hardware configuration, and the effects enabled.

Can I create my own effects in ReShade?
Yes, it provides a framework for users to develop their own custom effects using the ReShade.fx shader language. Advanced users with programming knowledge can explore this feature to create unique visual enhancements.

Are there any risks associated with using ReShade?
ReShade is generally safe to use, but it's important to download it from the official website or FileHorse to ensure you're getting the authentic software. Additionally, using the app in online multiplayer games might be against the terms of service of some games, so it's essential to check the game's policies.

Can I use ReShade on consoles or non-Windows platforms?
Unfortunately, the app is currently only compatible with Windows-based PC games. Console platforms and non-Windows operating systems are not supported.


GeForce Experience: Exclusive to Nvidia graphics card users, Nvidia Freestyle offers real-time post-processing filters to customize the visuals of supported games.

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition
: Feature AMD Radeon Image Sharpening - Specifically for AMD graphics card users, this feature enhances image quality by applying sharpening algorithms to supported games.

ENB Series
: A comprehensive collection of visual enhancements for various games, providing advanced features like volumetric lighting and improved shaders.

System Requirements

ReShade for PC is compatible with all modern rendering APIs such as Direct3D 9, Direct3D 10, Direct3D 11, Direct3D 12, OpenGL, and Vulkan, and is optimized for modern versions of Windows OS such as Windows 7 SP1, 8.1, 10, or 11 and .NET Framework 4.6.2 or higher installed is required. Processor: Dual-core CPU (Quad-core recommended) and Memory: 4GB RAM or higher.

  • Extensive customization options to enhance game visuals
  • Real-time configuration for instant feedback
  • Easy installation process with automatic game detection
  • Vast library of community presets for quick customization
  • Regular updates and active development due to open-source nature
  • Performance impact may vary depending on hardware and effects used
  • Limited compatibility with some anti-cheat systems and heavily modified games
  • Windows-only support, excluding consoles and non-Windows platforms

ReShade is a powerful tool that empowers gamers to take control of their visual experience. With its wide range of customization options and user-friendly interface, it offers a seamless way to enhance game graphics, elevating the overall immersion and enjoyment.

While there might be some performance considerations and compatibility limitations, it remains an exceptional choice for those seeking to unlock the full potential of their favorite PC games. So go ahead, download ReShade, and embark on a visually captivating journey through your virtual worlds.

  • ReShade 6.2.0 Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    ReShade 6.2.0 Screenshot 1
  • ReShade 6.2.0 Screenshot 2
  • ReShade 6.2.0 Screenshot 3

What's new in this version:

- Added Russian and Spanish translations
- Added keyboard shortcuts to toggle FPS or frame time overlay
- Added option to show date in overlay clock
- Added resolution and format info to statistics page
- Added checkbox list widget
- Added "ddx_coarse", "ddx_fine", "ddy_coarse" and "ddy_fine" intrinsics
- Added effect compile error when attempting to sample from texture that is also used as render target
- Added ReShade FX support for default arguments on functions
- Changed pixel shader to be optional in pass definitions
- Improved performance of D3D12 mipmap generation (using single-pass downsampling technique)
- (Add-on support) Added "swapchain_desc::fullscreen_state" and "swapchain_desc::fullscreen_refresh_rate" to control fullscreen mode during swapchain creation

- Fixed crash on startup with GOG Galaxy overlay in Cyberpunk 2077 (and other D3D12 games using DLSS Frame Generation)
- Fixed anisotropic filtering in D3D9/OpenGL/Vulkan
- Fixed mipmap generation in passes with "SRGBWriteEnable"
- Fixed variables declared "const" with a non-constant initializer getting removed in generated HLSL/GLSL
- Fixed function parameter names in HLSL shader model 3 entry point generation
- Fixed missing component-wise conditional overloads for boolean vectors in GLSL code generation
- Fixed shader model 4 implementation of "tex2Dgather" intrinsics and cleaned up other atomic/texture intrinsics
- Fixed hang when encountering unbounded array function parameter
- Fixed technique toggle key not being reset on preset switch
- Fixed matrix uniform variables not being updated after value was changed in widget
- Fixed preset modification state after changing effect preprocessor definition
- Fixed duplicated effect compile errors when preprocessed source was cached
- Fixed OpenGL vertex arrays acting up with multiple OpenGL contexts
- Fixed incorrect code path chosen when attempting to resolve depth-stencil resource in Vulkan
- Fixed WinSock error state not being preserved
- (Add-on support) Fixed D3D9 cull mode conversion
- (Add-on support) Fixed D3D9 index buffer format (now sourced based on "resource_desc::buffer::stride")
- (Add-on support) Fixed duplicated "addon_event::map_texture_region"/"addon_event::unmap_texture_region" events in D3D9
- (Add-on support) Fixed crash when "IDirect3DDevice9::GetStreamSource" succeeds with no vertex buffer being bound
- (Add-on support) Fixed DXGI_USAGE_SHARED not being applied correctly when "addon_event::create_swapchain" event is used
- (Add-on support) Fixed D3D12 root signature being created with incorrect root parameters when there are static samplers
- (Add-on support) Fixed D3D12 texture update for mipmaps and block compressed data
- (Add-on support) Fixed D3D12 "command_list::push_descriptors" implementation on 32-bit
- (Add-on support) Fixed OpenGL pipeline creation without shaders
- (Add-on support) Fixed OpenGL uniform value to push constant conversion
- (Add-on support) Fixed OpenGL primitive topology not being updated on non-indexed draw calls
- (Add-on support) Fixed OpenGL texture swizzle not being taken into account for "addon_event::init_resource" events
- (Add-on support) Fixed out of order "gl[...]TexImage2D" cubemap face handling
- (Add-on support) Fixed OpenGL buffer storage flag conversion
- (Add-on support) Fixed OpenGL mipmap generation for non-2D textures
- (Add-on support) Fixed "addon_event::push_constants" potentially being called with invalid location value in OpenGL
- (Add-on support) Fixed "addon_event::push_descriptors" event potentially being called before the resource has been created in OpenGL
- (Add-on support) Fixed fill mode and sample mask not being updated with the right pipeline stage flags in OpenGL
- (Add-on support) Fixed usage flags of default OpenGL depth-stencil resource
- (Add-on support) Fixed OpenGL integer vertex attribute formats
- (Add-on support) Fixed OpenGL primitive topology update not setting patch vertex number when using patch topology
- (Add-on support) Fixed incorrect number of subresource data elements passed to "addon_event::create_resource"/"addon_event::init_resource" for mipmapped textures in OpenGL

- Added support for imageless framebuffers in Vulkan (VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer extension)
- Added support for more than two views in OpenXR
- Added tag for potentially reversed depth buffers to list in built-in Generic Depth add-on
- Changed loading bar at the top to be more compact after the initial load
- Changed environment variable name to disable OpenXR layer to include a layer version suffix
- Clarified message about errors in technique list
- Removed global config options to force windowed/fullscreen/refresh rate ("ForceWindowed", "ForceFullscreen", "ForceResolution", "ForceDefaultRefreshRate", "ForceVsync")
- (Add-on support) Added support for creating D3D9 textures with an unknown format
- (Add-on support) Added support for creating D3D9 offscreen surfaces
- (Add-on support) Added fake vertex and index buffer events for "IDirect3DDevice9::Draw(Indexed)PrimitiveUP"
- (Add-on support) Added support for D3D10/11/12 render target view creation from buffer resources
- (Add-on support) Added support for creating null descriptor resource views in D3D12
- (Add-on support) Added support for static samplers in pipeline layout creation in D3D12/Vulkan
- (Add-on support) Added "addon_event::bind_pipeline" event for OpenGL vertex attribute arrays
- (Add-on support) Added some missing formats to OpenGL attribute format conversion
- (Add-on support) Added separate OpenGL push constants range for unsigned integer values
- (Add-on support) Changed default pipeline primitive topology in pipeline creation to undefined
- (Add-on support) Changed "IDXGISwapChain::GetFullscreenState" to return forced fullscreen state when set by an add-on or config
- (Add-on support) Changed D3D12 root signature creation to always set D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_FLAG_CBV_SRV_UAV_HEAP_DIRECTLY_INDEXED and D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_FLAG_SAMPLER_HEAP_DIRECTLY_INDEXED flags when available
- (Add-on support) Improved "command_list::bind_pipeline_states" implementation by batching related values for less graphics API calls
- (Add-on support) Improved handling of D3D9 A2M1, ATOC, RESZ and NULL driver hacks
- (Add-on support) Improved handling of non-conforming input layouts in D3D9/10/11/12
- (Add-on support) Improved handling of D3D11/12 raw buffer views
- (Add-on support) Improved handling of D3D11/12 read-only depth-stencil views
- (Add-on support) Improved Vulkan graphics pipeline libraries support
- (Add-on support) Removed fake resource and pipeline layout handles (mostly no more 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF handles)
- (Add-on support) Removed "resource_flags::structured" in favor of automatic deduction based on "resource_desc::buffer::stride"

Setup tool:
- Optimized total size of setup tool
- Improved text readability of setup tool in Windows high contrast mode
- Fixed no graphics API checkbox being checked in setup tool for applications using D3D10/11/12
- Changed OpenXR installation to be disabled by default always
- Changed cancel button to a skip button during effect and add-on selection