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RStudio 1.4.1717

  -  149 MB  -  Open Source

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system. Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of RStudio 1.4.1717.

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of RStudio or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • RStudio 1.4.1717 Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    RStudio 1.4.1717 Screenshot 1
  • RStudio 1.4.1717 Screenshot 2
  • RStudio 1.4.1717 Screenshot 3
  • RStudio 1.4.1717 Screenshot 4

What's new in this version:

This is a major update to RStudio 1.4 that includes the following enhancements and bugfixes:
- Add native support for Apple Silicon (aarch64) builds of R on macOS
- Show memory usage details in Environment pane
- Added support for the |> pipe operator and the => pipe-bind operator, proposed for R 4.1.0
- Added support for the (x) function shorthand syntax, proposed for R 4.1.0
- Added preference toggle for inserting the |> pipe operator when the Insert Pipe Operator command is used
- Compilation of Sweave documents now uses tinytex when requested
- Preliminary support for R graphics engine version 14 in R 4.1.0.

- The Python REPL can now be interrupted
- Python installs within /opt/python and /opt/local/python are now discovered by RStudio
- Improved handling of unicode input on Windows
- Fixed issue where inspecting a null Python object would cause emit errors to console
- Detect active Python version when publishing content
- Use active Python version when knitting R Markdown files
- The active version of Python is now placed on the PATH for new Terminal sessions

RStudio Workbench:
- RStudio Server Pro has been renamed to RStudio Workbench to more accurately reflect its cross-language editing capabilities.
- BREAKING: RStudio Workbench’s Linux packages have new file names, rstudio-workbench-* instead of rstudio-server-pro-*. The operating system package name remains rstudio-server, so installs and upgrades will work correctly. Scripts which refer to the .deb or .rpm file names directly will need to be updated.
- Added support for JupyterLab 3
- Add support for using OpenID and SAML authentication schemes when a proxy is required for outbound requests
- Updated product licensing engine (LimeLM) to TurboActivate and TurboFloat to v4.4.3.
- Licenses can now be applied and updated without a restart
- Improved R session diagnostic logging; now records all instances of a session
- Improved troubleshooting logging for PostgreSQL encrypted password configuration
- Improved locktester file locking diagnostic utility; now tries all lock types and recommends configuration
- Added new rstudio-server reload command to reload some server configuration settings without a restart
- Added pool-size option in database.conf to control size of database connection pool; avoid creating a large pool on systems with many CPUs
- Display hidden characters in filenames when logging config files with run-diagnostics
- Add support for SSL communication between nodes when using load balancing

VS Code:
- Visual Studio Code is fully supported on RStudio Workbench and no longer in beta
- Added support for Dash, Streamlit, and local web development servers in VS Code sessions
- Added RStudio Workbench navigation tools in VS Code sessions
- Added a new user settings template file for VSCode settings to allow administrators to specify a default user configuration for VSCode sessions
- Set environment variables RS_URI_SCHEME, RS_SESSION_URL, SERVER_URL, and RS_HOME_URL when VSCode is launched
- Updated rstudio-server install-vs-code to install code-server 3.9.3
- Change the default behavior of install-vs-code to not configure a global extensions directory and allow users to manage their own extensions. If install-vs-code was run with a previous release and you’d like to change your configuration, the configuration can be manually removed from vscode.conf or the script can be rerun to regenerate vscode.conf
- Added rstudio-server install-vs-code-ext script to install the RStudio Workbench VS Code extension in a global directory and upgrade code-server to 3.9.3
- When a global extensions directory isn’t configured, install the RStudio Workbench extension on the first VS Code session launch per user
- Disable the extensions marketplace in VS Code sessions when a global directory is configured that the user does not have write access to
- Improved error messaging for VS Code session errors from verify-installation

RStudio Server Open Source:
- BREAKING: RStudio when served via http erroneously reported its own address as https during redirects if the header X-Forwarded-Proto was defined by a proxy. That could lead to a confusing proxy setup. That has been fixed, but existing proxy installations with redirect rewite settings matching for https may have to be adjusted.
- BREAKING: RStudio Server no longer supports Internet Explorer 11.
- Added session-suspend-on-incomplete-statement option to enable more aggressive session suspension behavior
- New env-vars configuration file simplifies setting environment variables for the main RStudio server process.
- Refreshed style on sign-in page; sign-in page now has a dark mode that syncs with the operating system’s

Visual Editor:
- Code chunks in the visual editor now respect the “Tab Key Always Moves Focus” accessibility setting
- The commands “Execute Previous Chunks” and “Execute Subsequent Chunks” now work when the cursor is outside a code chunk in the visual editor
- The commands “Go to Next Chunk” and “Go to Previous Chunk” now work in the visual editor
- Fixed issue causing the document to scroll unpredictably when a code chunk inside a list item is executed in the visual editor
- Cmd+U now toggles underlining in the visual editor on macOS
- Improve YAML cursor position after omni-insert in the visual editor
- Fix issues finding words with punctuation in visual mode
- Fix spurious image insertion when pasting into visual mode from Excel
- Fix issue causing spell check to stop identifying misspellings when switching between visual and source modes
- Fixed issue importing dataset author data from DOIs in the visual editor
- Fixed issue where the Insert Citation dialog in the visual editor would clear selected citation when typeahead searching
- Fixed issue where the bibliography path is assumed to be document relative when inserting citations in the visual editor
- Fixed error in visual mode spellcheck where underline would disappear when hitting backspace
- Job Launcher:
- Fixed an issue where the Kubernetes Launcher could hang in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) environments by lowering the watch-timeout-seconds parameter default down to 3 minutes instead of 5
- Fixed issue preventing Kubernetes sessions from starting due to incorrect SSL certificate checking on websocket connections; make websocket connections support the verify-ssl-certs option
- Fixed an issue where the Kubernetes Launcher can sometimes get in a state where communication with Kubernetes hangs until a restart
- Fixed an issue where Kubernetes Launcher services could sometimes leak and never be cleaned up
- Fixed an issue causing Kubernetes plugin to fail to deserialize jobs from Kubernetes 1.19
- Improved a Slurm Session Launch Delay that may occur due to buffering when using Slurm job steps
- Fixed an issue where Load Balanced Local Launcher instances could get into a state where they would no longer receive job updates from other nodes due to silent network drops

- The mouse back / forward buttons can now be used to navigate within the Help pane
- Right-click on document tab provides menu with close, close all, close others
- Rename File added to document tab context menu
- Copy Path command added to document tab context menu
- Preliminary compatibility with UCRT builds of R-devel
- Update Windows Desktop to openSSL 1.1.1i
- Improve ordering of items in Command Palette list and search results
- Update embedded Pandoc to v2.11.3.2
- Change default per-user install folder to %LocalAppData%Programs on Windows
- Detect newer plumber tags when enabling plumber integration
- Option to restore RStudio 1.2 tab key behavior in editor find panel; search in Command Palette for “Tab key behavior in find panel matches RStudio 1.2 and earlier”
- Show .renvignore in Files pane
- Make the set of always-shown files and extensions in the Files pane configurable
- Log location of addins that raise parse errors at startup
- Support dual/charcell-spaced editor fonts (e.g., Fira Code) on Linux desktop environments
- Improve logging of session RPC failures
- Add support for rstudioapi methods enabling callbacks for command execution
- Add support for non-CRAN repositories when installing R packages in the background
- Add server homepage link and retry options to mitigate “Unable to connect to service” errors
- Add support for commenting and uncommenting code in C (.c and .h) files thanks to @cm421)
- The R session binary (rsession) now has a --version option for reporting its version
- RStudio Desktop startup diagnostics now include the RStudio version/platform and an option to copy to plain text
- Improved Spellcheck package to be compatible with all known Hunspell-compatible dictionaries, improved spellcheck initial loading and large file performance
- Add ‘whole word’ filter to Find in Files.

- Fixed an issue that could cause RStudio to crash when generating plots on Windows
- Fixed an issue causing slow session startup and “Unable to connect to service” errors on RStudio Server
- Fix Windows Desktop installer to support running from path with characters from other codepages
- Fixed issue where R code input could be executed in the wrong order in some cases
- Fixed issue where debugger could hang when debugging functions called via do.call()
- Fixed issue where rendering .tex document with tinytex would fail on Windows
- Fixed issue where reinstalling an already-loaded package could cause errors
- Fixed issue where RStudio would inappropriately autoload the ‘yaml’ and ‘tinytex’ packages
- Fixed issue where right-assignment with multi-line strings gave false-positive diagnostic errors
- Fixed issue where restoring R workspace could fail when project path contained non-ASCII characters
- Fixed issue where forked R sessions could hang after a package was loaded or unloaded
- Fixed issue where attempting to profile lines ending in comment would fail
- Fixed issue where warnings + messages were mis-encoded in chunk outputs on Windows
- Fixed issue where C++ compilation database was not invalidated when compiler was updated
- Fixed issue where SQL chunks containing non-ASCII characters could fail to run on Windows
- Fixed issue where ‘case:’ statements were not outdented when rainbow parentheses were active.
- Fixed issue where Stan completion handlers were duplicated on save
- Improved checks for non-writable R library paths on startup
- Fixed issue preventing R Notebook chunks from being queued for execution if they had never been previously run
- Fix various issues when the “Limit Console Output” performance setting was enabled #8504, #8529, #8552)
- Fix display of condition messages (errors and warnings) in some character encodings
- Fix out-of-date tooltip when renaming files #8491)
- Fix incorrect keyboard shortcuts shown in some places in the Command Palette
- Fixed issue with formatting of closing braces when inserting newline in C++ code
- Fixed issue where empty panes would remain open and pop open unexpectedly
- Fixed issue where ‘continue comment on newline’ would treat Markdown headers as comments
- Fixed issue where Set Working Directory command could fail if path contained quotes
- Fixed issue where Pro database drivers will not install if ~/odbcinst.ini is missing
- Fixed issue causing the mouse cursor to become too small in certain areas on Linux Desktop
- Fixed issue causing Run Tests command to do nothing unless the Build tab was available
- Fixed issue where paging in the DataViewer would throw errors and current columns wouldn’t update
- Fixed issue causing RStudio Server to create .local/share/rstudio folder with incorrect permissions when session-timeout-kill-hours is set
- Fixed issue causing verify-installation to exit without showing the error that caused it to do so
- Fixed issue causing spurious “Failed to reset ACL permission mask” errors to be logged outside shared projects on some filesystems
- Fixed issue where sending code from Python History pane would switch Console to R mode
- Fixed issue where Open File dialog would fail to open files whose names were explicitly typed
- Fixed issue causing Project Sharing to fail to set Access Control Lists when using NFS v4 and username@domain security principals
- Fixed issue where dialog boxes [e.g. Git commit, Installing Pro Database drivers] could fail to show output with Limit Console Output turned on
- Fixed issue where uploading a .zip archive when unzip was not on PATH would cause a cryptic error
- Fixed issue where RStudio occasionally reset the locale to the “default” locale on Windows
- Errors that occur when R packages update the Connections pane are now better handled and reported
- Fixed an issue where login page could fail intermittently with slow network connections

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