Comprehensive 3D animation software for Windows

Autodesk Maya

Autodesk Maya

  -  Trial
Autodesk Maya 3D animation, modeling, simulation, and rendering software offers artists a comprehensive creative toolset. These tools provide a starting point to realize your vision in modeling, animation, lighting, and VFX. 3D animation, modeling, simulation, and rendering software for film, TV, and games. Enjoy!

It’s easy to get started. Download a free 30-day trial Autodesk app and try it out. Purchase options include flexible subscription terms to fit your needs.

Features and Highlights
  • Bring believable characters to life with engaging animation tools.
  • Shape 3D objects and scenes with intuitive modeling tools in Maya software for Windows PC.
  • Create realistic effects—from explosions to cloth simulation.
  • A new visual programming environment using dynamic solvers lets you create blockbuster-worthy effects quickly.
  • Build custom graphs using the Bifrost Graph Editor.
  • Create stunning effects—from snow and sand to dust storms and explosions—with ready-to-use graphs.
  • Switch seamlessly between CPU and GPU rendering.
  • Arnold is built to manage complex characters, scenery, and lighting challenges.
  • Arnold is integrated with Autodesk Maya 2024, so you can see high-quality previews and iterate changes quickly.
  • Save time with Arnold’s artist-friendly UI and simple, intuitive controls.
System Requirements
  • OS: Microsoft® Windows® 7 (SP1), Windows® 10, Windows® 11
  • 64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor with an SSE4.2 instruction set
  • 8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)
  • 4 GB of free disk space for the install
  • Device: Three-button mouse
Note: 30 days trial version.

Also Available: Download Autodesk Maya for Mac

  • Autodesk Maya 2025.1 Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    Autodesk Maya 2025.1 Screenshot 1
  • Autodesk Maya 2025.1 Screenshot 2
  • Autodesk Maya 2025.1 Screenshot 3
  • Autodesk Maya 2025.1 Screenshot 4
  • Autodesk Maya 2025.1 Screenshot 5

What's new in this version:

Autodesk Maya 2025.1
- ABC animation cache can't be imported properly
- Blue Pencil: Changing viewport focus does not change active layer
- Cached Playback : Zero parallax and safe viewing volume of stereo camera do not update when Cached Playback is enabled
- Crash when moving key in Time Slider if breakdown keys are present
- Crash when working in the Graph Editor with Pre-Select Highlight enabled
- If the post-infinity oscillates on a quaternion curve, the angle will not oscillate correctly
- Lighting regression with Stingray PBS material
- Manipulation Prevalidation issue can cause rig manipulation to be incorrect
- Maya should not skip constant element plugs in the background evaluation
- Scrubbed audio is not playing back clearly
- Time Editor: Attribute Editor support of audio files and environment path variables
- validateAndSetValue method of py1RockingTransform sample should return a value by default

- Differences between Mel and Python demonstrate warning when there should be an error
- Error when hovering over the icons in the Light Editor
- Interface scale causes UV Editor Custom Shelf Icons to stretch
- Lights cannot be deleted in the Light Editor via context menu
- Maya main window resizes to tiny UI on "restore down"
- Maya software render freezes when relating multiple UVs
- Object listed twice after Split Clip at Current Time in Time Editor
- Pick Chooser: Does not select object(s)
- Printing metadata applied to each object while loading scene
- PySide6 : MASH ID Node error
- Qt6: Scrollbar is not working in Camera Sequencer
- Qt6: Maya app and floating windows not launching in same position
- Qt6: App Home can become blank when switching from Maya workspace
- Window management issues related to multi monitor support

- Marquee selects all faces of mesh instead of those within the marquee area
- Top CER 2023: Crash in TspatialGrid:getVoxelContents when editing mesh vertices

- DQ Blend Weight map not displayed when re-entering Paint Skin Weights tool
- Paint Skin Weights: Request for a function to display the weight colors of all selected meshes

- C++: MPxSelectionContext/MPxContext marquee selection boxes do not draw correctly in VP2
- Freeze when applying 8bit/16bit grayscale PSD file with psdNode
- Maya Curves not rendered properly with Depth Peeling
- Maya freezes when loading G16R16 format DDS texture with DirectX11Shader
- Ramp Node hypergraph display crashes Maya
- StandardSurface: Transparency is not used correctly by Flat lighting and Ambient lights

Autodesk Maya 2025
- Change log not available for this version

Autodesk Maya 2024.1
- Loading Atom file causes crash
- "Sync Selection in Graph Editor" option does not work by default
- Evaluation Manager dependencies incorrect downstream of parentInverseMatrix attribute
- Graph Editor: Focus is not correctly set for keyframe value fields when clicking from another pane
- Camera Tumble tool does not work with animation layers
- Custom DX11 shader causes the mesh to be removed from GPU evaluation
- Interactive Tutorials: Animation tutorial broken by timeline UI changes

- Name does not match in compound attributes
- Multi attribute setAttr runs slower than previous releases
- Window sizes not being saved on second monitor

- Crash with Average Vertices command when in the Move Tool in Normal Mode
- Cannot connect vertices on a new polySurface object after executing certain bool operations
- Enable Add Selection as Target for other geometry types
- Bridging causes material loss

- Wrap Deformer: Add/remove geometry options should be disabled in Attribute Editor
- Paint Skin Weights: Joints are not highlighted as selected influences when Show Wireframe is off
- cMuscle: Mesh stops updating when changing timeline after painting muscle weights
- cMuscle: Painting muscle weights with 'Relative Sticky' option enabled does not work
- BlendWeight NAN errors after bakePartialHistory

- Reference Edits dialog closes when tick/untick 'Show Namespaces' once or twice
- Add New Item button in Attribute Editor for wtAddMatrix.wtMatrix

- USD (Universal Scene Description) plug-in for Autodesk Maya security enhancements
- Routing visibility edits only works with certain commands and not all commands that edit visibility
- Saving Maya scene that includes USD cache does not trigger serialization

Autodesk Maya 2024.0.1
- What's New content not loading in Application Home
- Running Maya in the Chinese locale crashes in MayaUSD when opening or creating a scene
- Hypershade and Node Editor layout are broken when Maya is running in Japanese locale

Autodesk Maya 2024
Modeling Updates:
- Updates to the Retopologize, Make Live, Quad Draw, Boolean, and Unsmooth workflows include interface and usability improvements that let modelers produce better results

Retopologize updates:
Feature Preservation during Retopologize:
- New Retopologize Options provide modelers with different methods to preserve features during the Retopologize process. The following options can be used to preserve specific areas of detail on an input mesh or guide the resulting edge flow of the retopologized mesh:
- Edges by Angle: Edges are preserved based on a specified angle tolerance. See Preserve areas of a retopologized mesh
- Edge component tags: Edge Component Tags that are defined on the input mesh are used as an influence on the retopologized mesh. See Preserve areas of a retopologized mesh using Component Tags. To try the feature for yourself, you can also download and open the Interactive Tutorial from the AREA.

Retopologize with symmetry:
- Create even edge flow on both sides of your mesh during Retopologize using new symmetry options (Mesh > Retopologize > ). When symmetry is enabled, Retopologize precuts your geometry along the selected axis before running. Symmetry is useful when retopologizing characters or hard surface objects that require mirrored topology on both sides of the model, like a chair or a gear. See Retopologize a mesh with symmetry. To try the feature for yourself, you can also download and open the Interactive Tutorial from the AREA.

Mesh pre-check during Retopologize:
- When the new Scan mesh for issues option is turned on (Mesh > Retopologize > ), your input mesh is checked for potential issues that could either prevent Retopologize from running successfully or have adverse effects on the results. If issues are detected, a dialog box appears with warnings and recommended troubleshooting steps, allowing you to quickly identify and fix problem areas before running a potentially time consuming Retopologize process. For more troubleshooting tips, see Troubleshoot Retopologize issues and Retopologize limitations.

Keep input mesh after Retopologize:
- You can now display your input mesh and retopologized mesh in your scene simultaneously when Keep Original is turned on in the Retopologize Options. Previously, the input mesh was hidden after retopologizing a mesh. Now both meshes are placed at the same location in your scene, making it easier to make edits to your input mesh. For example, you can define areas for feature preservation such as component tags and see updates on your result mesh dynamically.

Make Live updates:
Make multiple objects live:
- Make Live now supports multiple objects, letting you snap to any of the surfaces that are live. Simply select all your objects and click the Make Live icon . The name of the first selected object is displayed in the field next to the icon in the following format: , indicating that you have more than one object in your live selection. Hovering over the field displays a list of all the live surfaces, and right-clicking it displays a pop-up menu that lets you add or remove live surfaces from the list.
- When an object is live, it is automatically assigned a dark green wireframe color. This color is now also applied to the names of the live surfaces in the Outliner, making it easier to find them in a long list of objects. See Set multiple live surfaces and Add or remove surfaces from a make live list. To try the feature for yourself, you can also download and open the Interactive Tutorial from the AREA.

Make Live Quad Draw support:
- You can now use Quad Draw with multiple live objects and smooth mesh preview meshes, letting you create new, simplified geometry on top of complex collections of target meshes. For example, Quad Draw can now be used on full characters that are made up of many individual pieces like clothing or armor. See Set a reference mesh for Quad Draw and Snap to a live surface. To try the feature for yourself, you can also download and open the Interactive Tutorial from the AREA.

Unsmooth a mesh:
- The new Mesh > Unsmooth option lets you unsubdivide any Catmull-Clark smoothed, high resolution mesh. You can set the number of subdivision levels to recreate in the Unsmooth Options (Mesh > Unsmooth > ) or polyUnsmooth node. Unsmoothing can be useful for creating low resolution versions of meshes that have been smoothed and subdivided during the sculpting process. See Unsmooth a mesh.

Boolean improvements:
- Updates introduced in Maya 2023.1 give modelers more control when adding and editing new input objects in the Boolean Stack. Additionally, a new Interactive Update option provides a quick way to mitigate slow boolean performance while working with dense scenes.

Duplicate boolean input objects:
- Quickly duplicate boolean input objects using the new options in the Boolean stack. Right-click a layer and select Duplicate as Copy or Duplicate as Instance. See Duplicate boolean input objects.

Set defaults for new boolean input objects:
- Previously, new input objects were added to existing boolean nodes as Union operations in wireframe display mode. Now you can set your own defaults using options (Operation for new input and Input object display) in the Boolean stack and Boolean Operation options. See Set defaults for new boolean input objects.

Improved interactive performance:
- Disable the new Interactive Update option in the Boolean stack or Boolean Operations options to mitigate slow interactive performance. When on, the boolean continuously refreshes whenever the mouse button is pressed and dragged. When off, the boolean only refreshes when the mouse button is released.

Boolean intersection classification:
- A new Intersection Classification is now available in the Boolean stack and Boolean Operation options. When your boolean includes an open mesh(es) (planes or meshes with holes), this option gives you greater control over the result of your boolean operation. Select from Edge, Normal, or Auto. For more information, see Boolean Intersection Classification.

Add viewport objects to a boolean node:
- A new Add Selected Objects button in the Boolean stack lets you quickly add Viewport objects to the selected boolean node
- Note: To use this button, click to pin the Boolean stack or click Copy Tab to open the boolean node in a separate window

Bidirectional boolean selection:
- The Boolean stack now updates to reflect your selection in the Viewport or Outliner. When you select an object that is part of a boolean node in the Viewport or Outliner, it is also selected in the Boolean stack.

Modeling shelves:
- Several new shelves make modeling tools and commands more discoverable and easily accessible: UV Editing, Curves, and Surfaces
- The following commands and tools were previously located on the Poly Modeling shelf and have now been moved to the UV Editing shelf: Planar Mapping, Cylindrical Mapping, Spherical Mapping, Automatic Mapping, Contour Stretch, Auto Seams, Cut UV Edges, Delete UVs, 3D UV Grab Tool, 3D Cut and Sew UV Tool, UV Editor, UV Set Editor.
- Previously, the commands and tools that are located on the Curves and Surfaces shelves were grouped on one shelf. Now they are divided between two separate shelves.
- Paint Vertex Color Tool updates

Updates to the Paint Vertex Color Tool let you do the following:
- Restrict painting to individual RGB channels to prevent the accidental painting of other channels
- Display specific color channels as a grayscale using the new Display RGB color set as greyscale option

Display RGB channels individually on polygon objects:
- New options in the Polygon Preferences and Polygons Options (Display > Polygons > Custom Polygon Display > ) let you display RGB channels individually, providing better visual feedback about specific channel color values. Other new options let you display channels as a greyscale on the polygon object surface.

UV editing performance improvements:
- Modelers can enjoy improved UV Editor performance when transforming UVs on objects that have Smooth Mesh Preview enabled or when selecting and moving UV shells associated with complex meshes. This update improves interactivity when working with UVs for character meshes.

Collapse UV Toolkit Selection options:
- You can now collapse the Selection options in the UV Toolkit, making the sections in the toolkit more accessible

MikkTSpace tangent support:
- MiikTSpace tangents are now supported in Maya. To enable MiikTSpace tangents, go to Windows > Settings/Preferences > Preferences > Modeling > Polygon Tangent Space > Use MikkTSpace tangents. This preference impacts display in the viewport and the creation of normal maps through tools like Transfer Maps. It is turned off by default. See Transfer Maps options for more information on tangent space and normal maps.

Snap support when using Move Tool plane handles:
- Snap mode (v) is now supported when using any of the Move Tool's plane handles, which constrain movement to two axes

New Graph Editor Curve Sculpting tools:
- New tools have been added to the Graph Editor to give you a quick and intuitive way shape keys and curves
- The Graph Editor Grab, Smooth, and Smear Curve Sculpting tools let you instinctively and intuitively shape groups of keys, giving you an easy way to make adjustments on the fly. For example, like the animation above, you can gently shift keys on the Y-axis to increase the arc of the character's jump, or smooth over jerky motion capture animation.
- You can configure the Curve Sculpting tools brush radius and strength with the standard Maya brush hotkeys: B for size and M for pressure
- The Grab sculpt tool moves keys in the Graph Editor with a falloff radius, letting you use the brush cursor to "sculpt" curves by moving groups of keys up or down along the Value axis
- The Smooth sculpt tool flattens a curve by letting you smooth keys within the brush radius.
- The Smear sculpt tool pushes keys on curve in any direction.
- To access these tools, click the Grab , Smooth or Smear from the Graph Editor toolbar, or select Transformation Tools > Sculpt Keys Tools > Grab , Smooth, or Smear from the Graph Editor Edit menu

USD for Maya 0.22 plug-in:
- This release provides important stability fixes and feature updates for workflows such as relative pathing and using display layers with the updated Universal Scene Description (USD) plug-in for Maya
- USD for Maya v0.22.0 is a new release available, compatible with your installation of Maya 2024. This updated version of the plug-in includes important bug fixes and stability updates alongside new feature releases for workflows such as relative pathing USD files to your Maya scene file and improved display layer support. To see the highlights of this version, see USD Release Notes. Universal Scene Description (USD) support in Maya lets artists work seamlessly with USD in conjunction with Maya workflows. The pre-built Maya USD open source plug-in is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- To install Maya USD, see Installation Instructions
- To learn about Maya USD, see USD for Maya
- To work with Maya USD, see Get Started with Maya USD
- To troubleshoot and see version-specific information in Maya USD, see USD v.0.22.0 Release Notes
- To script and develop with Maya USD, see API documentation for Maya 2024- UFE 4.0, Maya 2023- UFE 3.2, Maya 2022- UFE 2.0 and MEL commands

LookdevX Technology Preview:
- LookdevX for Maya is a new look-development tool that lets you create USD shade graphs and author custom materials in Maya

What's New in Character Animation:
- Several updates have been made to Character animation workflows, from a tool for changing rotation order, support for multiple skin clusters, and a new way to view skin weights numerically.

Numeric weight visualization:
- Previously in Maya, there was no way to view exact weight values as numbers in the Viewport. Now, the new Weight Visualization settings in the Paint Skin Weights Tool let you display weight influence numerically, giving you a precise way to see the influence of weighting on the surrounding joints.

Support for multiple Skin Clusters:
- You can now have more than one Skin Cluster on a single piece of geometry, opening up new possibilities for animators and riggers
- Use multiple Skin Clusters to layer deformations, for example, creating a layer for squash and stretch, a layer for kinematic motions, and another for fine details. Also, using Multiple skin clusters opens up possibilities for alternate weighting for a variety of needs, both technical and artistic, even exploratory or derived from different techniques such as traditional painting, and volumetric weighting, and so on.
- Note: The Component Editor supports multiple skin clusters, however the Total column only shows the amount of all weight on a vertex. For example, if there are two skin clusters, 2.0 is displayed in the Total column.
- You can find the settings for working with multiple skin clusters in the options windows of most tools in the Skin menu. See Manage multiple Skin Clusters.
- To try the feature for yourself, you can also download and open the Interactive Tutorial from the AREA

Change Rotation Order setting:
- Changing the Rotation order of a gimbal locked shoulder using Reorder Rotation
- A new set of options, Reorder Rotation... have been added to the Modify menu to let you change the rotation axes of a selected object as well as evaluate and shows the likelihood of gimbal lock for each.
- Use the Reorder Rotation Options when you want to change the rotation order of a control after its been animated, or when you don't want to change the object pose
- See Reorder Rotation options

New Joint draw style:
- A walkthrough of different Joint Draw Styles
- A new draw style, Joint, has been added to the Draw Style menu in the Joint options.
- When you select Joint from the Draw Style menu only a sphere displays. (If you choose Bone, a sphere and a cone is shown.)
- This Joint draw style is useful for working with rigs with multiple child joints in a small area, where it can be difficult to view joint influences

New Rigging Math Nodes:
A robust set of math nodes have been added to the existing list for simple operations or for combining them to create complex rig components:
New HumanIK Character template:
- A new HumanIK character template, FullRigControlsConfig.xml, has been added to the two existing rig templates (CharacterControlsConfig.xml and CustomRigControlsConfig.xml). This new template provides a comprehensive list of all spine, neck, hand and foot joints, extra shoulder joints, as well as additional finger and toe bones.

Global Scaling Setting for Proximity Wrap deformers:
- Before and After: a complex deformation with and without the Use Transform As Deformation and Driver Cluster Matrix attributes applied
- There are new ways to control to how the Proximity Wrap driver is used to influence the deformation of the inputGeometry of the proximityWrap. The driver verts can be moved by deformation and/or transformation of the driver.
- This new functionality deals with the methods by which the location of the verts of the driver are used for deforming the inputGeometry.
- A new Use Transform As Deformation option specifies whether the transform of the driver is used as a deformation of the driver verts or whether it is kept separate. With the option turned off, the scaling and rotation of the driver are better preserved when used to deform the input geometry of the proximityWrap.
- If the deformation of the driver has an implicit transformation, you can make this transformation explicit by going to the Node Editor, and connecting a matrix to the Proximity Wrap's Driver Cluster Matrix attribute. This connection uses the transformation information to better preserve the rotation and scaling.

Additional matrix node controls:
- A new matrix setting has been added to both the aimMatrix and blendMatrix nodes. SpaceMatrix is a set of Pre and Post Matrix floats that multiply inputs and outputs, letting you create setups without the need for extra multMatrix nodes.
- New Space Modes for UVpin, Proximity pin, and skinCluster Nodes

A new Relative Space mode menu has also been added to the UVpin and Proximitypin deformer and Attribute Editor skinCluster node options:
- Use the Relative Space mode menu to choose the space your nodes are evaluated from: Local. World, Custom

Graph Editor Improvements:
- New tools have been added based on customer feedback to improve commonly-used Graph Editor workflows

New Key Scaling widget:
- A new feature removes the guesswork from the Graph Editor Scale Keys tool by introducing a Manipulator alongside the traditional Gestural method to show you a value for your keys as you drag, or let you entering a percentage in the value fields on each side of the Manipulator box.

New Offset and Clamp Curves settings :
- Two new settings Offset Curves and Clamp Curves have been added to the Graph Editor Curves menu to let you quickly edit curve animation
- Offset Curves lets you push a selected segment of animation by a specified number of frames, or to a specific position, and Clamp Curves lets you limit curve values from going beyond a specified value. See Offset Curve options and Clamp Curve
- Restored Graph Editor functionality
- A new setting in the Animation (Settings) preferences, Left-dragging moves selected keys, lets you click to modify key selection
- More importantly, you can disable this option so that clicking only selects keys. This is useful when working with densely keyed areas so that keys are not moved if your marquee selection is too close to a key or tangent
- When Left-dragging moves selected keys is on (default), you can drag to move selected keys in the Graph View. When Left-dragging moves selected keys is off, clicking selected keys in the graph view has no effect. (Select the Move tool and middle-drag to adjust keyframes.)
- Turning on this option is similar to keyframe editing workflows in other Autodesk applications, such as MotionBuilder.
- Note: In earlier versions of the Graph Editor, this option was previously called "Left mouse button alters selection"

New Graph Editor Tangent controls:
- Two new options, Angle and Weight , have been added to the Graph Editor toolbar to give easy access and better control over tangent weighting, letting you change angles and weighting on multiple keys at the same time, either manually or by entering a precise value, all while remaining in contact with your curve.
- These controls provide Maya with new controls inside the Graph Editor, where previously, you could only modify multiple In/Out Tangents and Weights in the Attribute Editor

Restored Exponential falloff behavior:
- Now you can set the Graph Editor Move Keys Tools Exponential falloff setting to apply to moving and scaling keys as it did in the Classic Graph Editor
- The Graph Editor default functionality for the Exponential Falloff is to have the falloff apply only to key translation. Now, there is a preference Use Constant Falloff except for Move and Scale (in the Graph Editor area of the Animation Settings Preferences) that when active, applies the Exponential falloff to key translation and scaling, turn on in the Graph Editor area of the Animation Settings Preferences.
- Improved Graph Editor Region keys tool
- The Graph Editor Region Keys tool has been updated to show higher contrast from the background. As well, a problem with the Region Keys tool and Quaternion curve selection has been addressed.

Animation Performance improvements:
- This release contains significant animation performance improvements, especially when playing back animation on complex rigs
- This release includes enhancements to the GPU deformation workflow. One of them addresses the issue of frequent rebuilding (or repartitioning) of the graph for GPU evaluation which was sometimes disruptive on large scenes when changes occur. Now, creating and deleting keys no longer causes unnecessary repartitioning. Also, a new scheduling mode greatly reduces repartitioning when using Display Layers or Isolate Select to hide or show objects.
- Another major change is that the Evaluation Manager now schedules the nodes for the GPU in more granular fashion instead of as a few large clusters. This allows for better pruning of the graph.
- The Evaluator now claims nodes that potentially go on the GPU instead of only nodes that have been fully checked and verified to be evaluated on the GPU. When GPU evaluation is turned on, the evaluator now dynamically decides which nodes are evaluated on the GPU or on the CPU after repartitioning, making it more responsive to dynamic changes and greatly reducing the need for repartitioning.

New Graphical Output options:
- When working with large scenes with many nodes, the generated graph becomes difficult unwieldy to read. Now there are options in the Evaluation Toolkit Graphical Output area in 6) GPU Override to let you choose what output you want.

GPU Graph Building improvements:
- Passthrough nodes only on the GPU when neighboring nodes are on the GPU
- Download policy only allows downloads when there are sufficient vertices and nodes, preventing slowdowns
- Graph built from all claimable nodes and not just meshes
- A groupDownload blocking policy that blocks downloads in a specific group
- Omit passthrough nodes (not just groupParts)

Download Rejection:
- Two new debugging options, Allow Downloads and Allow Download Rejections have been added to the Evaluation Toolkit Debug area of the 6) GPU Override section to let you disable or ignore the download rejection policy.

New GPU Outliner:
- An Outliner widget has been added to the Evaluation Toolkit 6) GPU Override section to show which nodes are in the deformerEvaluator

The GPU Outliner has the following functionality:
- Shows which nodes are in the evaluator and how they are grouped
- Shows which nodes evaluate on the GPU, cause a download to CPU, and which evaluate on the CPU
- Has a filter so you can limit the view of nodes that

HUD updates:
- Work has been done to increase the accuracy of GPU Override information on the Heads Up Display (HUD), which now shows how many nodes in the deformerEvaluator are on the GPU. Previously, the HUD only showed the number of vertices in the scene.
- In addition to the GPU Override entry showing how many vertices are in the scene, a new data point uses a slash (/) to separate the number of nodes on the GPU from the total number of nodes in the scene. For example, the above image shows "351k [46/184]", meaning the scene has approximately 341 000 vertices, and that 46 out of 184 nodes in the deformerEvaluator are on the GPU.

Updated Parallel Evaluation Mode behavior:
- Problems where muting Channel Box attributes triggered a scene graph rebuild have been addressed

Frozen option removed from the Attribute Editor:
- Frozen is no longer part of the Node Behavior options in the Attribute Editor. For tools on troubleshooting and testing node evaluation, see the Evaluation Toolkit.
- Time Slider Redesign
- Maya Time Slider and Range Slider updates have brought several changes, from the way audio is shown, to new color defaults for keys

Here are some selected highlights of Bifrost
- The new source_mpm_gel node is useful for simulating many materials such as icing, toothpaste, ketchup, melted chocolate, and foam, just to name a few possibilities. The yield_stress property controls the overall behavior — the larger the value, the more the gel will clump together and resist yielding under shear force.
- NanoVTT is the new default renderer for volumes in the viewport. Volumes in the viewport match Arnold renders more closely, with support for colored volumes and physically-based thermodynamic emission scaling. Viewport volumes are rendered with an alpha channel, which is useful for playblasts that can be composited. Optimizations let you view larger, more complex simulations without encountering time-outs from your graphics card, and you can use set_viewport_volume_settings to strike the optimal balance between render quality, features, and performance. Note that NanoVTT does not support DirectX 11 or volumes using Power5 subdivision.
- Bifrost now runs natively on both Apple Silicon and Intel Mac computers. The installer and installed plug-in are universal binaries (UB2). Additionally, Bifrost's JIT compiler Amino generates native Arm64 code when run on Apple Silicon
- Several other new compounds have been added, including some that were formerly available in the Rebel Pack

Arnold for Maya 5.3.0:
- Maya 2024 ships with MtoA 5.3.0, which introduces Arnold and is a major feature release bringing improvements to volume shading and viewport rendering, support for Apple Silicon, and a more flexible physical sky that allows for separate sky and sun lights.

Bifrost (What's New in Maya 2024):
- Bifrost introduces MPM gel simulations, improved volume rendering in the viewport, and many other new and improved features

- Maya 2024 ships with MtoA 5.3.0, which introduces Arnold and is a major feature release bringing improvements to volume shading and viewport rendering, support for Apple Silicon, and a more flexible physical sky that allows for separate sky and sun lights.

New in the Maya 2024 devkit:
- The Maya 2024 devkit includes new minimum supported versions of operating systems, compilers, and IDEs, new locations for examples, new commands and command options, and many API changes. See What's New in the 2024 Maya devkit for the complete list of changes.

Autodesk Maya 2023.3
- Crash when accessing light data in shader node's compute
- Crash using Blue Pencil when playing back with Graph Editor open
- Freeze scrubbing Time Slider after importing geometry cache exported with FPS setting of 23.976
- Pitch difference when Playblasting with Time Editor audio
- Animation layers do not preserve transformation when rotation order is changed
- Delay in evaluation when Line Width of nurbsCurve is controlled by an attribute

Animation Performance:
- Cached Playback : nParticles scene with gameVertexCount plugin loaded crashes on playback
- Cached Playback : Objects with animated visibility are displayed at the origin

- Missing dependencies in Maya 2023 Linux package
- Missing XGen dependencies in the Maya Linux deployment package
- MLibrary applications crash on exit
- Lost namespace if scene includes namespaced expression and Cached Playback is enabled
- Camera Bookmark Editor 'Apply' button not working
- Qt UIs don't show specific icon images on Windows
- Maya failing to load via File->Recent Files
- Error attempting to remove reference when using a relative file path
- Crash in TmidCompConvert
- Artifact shadows appear when raising and lowering a polygon face

- Copy Skin Weights between NURBS and polygons does not work
- Deformed NURBS surface breaks when painting weights
- Auto-save repositions Influences list in the Paint Skin Weights Tool Settings

- Cannot restore workspace control when the control UIs are arranged in a 2x2 grid
- UI scalability issue selecting Cluster handle

- [github #2093] UFE: Printing rename command with UFE strings returns "none"
- Crash: Duplicate within plugin's activate method
- [GitHub#2196] Build script is making an assumption on the generator when one isn't supplied
- [GitHub#1949] Group pivot center and origin behavior are flipped for USD

- Support for multiple paths with SHADERFX_CUSTOMUSERPATH
- VP2 : Isolate Select is not working as expected in DX11 mode

Autodesk Maya 2023.1
- Bend deformer deletion also deletes transform
- Parts of the playblast audio are lost when the audio frame range is adjusted in Time Editor
- Copy Skin Weights broken when more than one mesh used as source
- Timeslider Bookmark does not auto-load
- Audio plays twice in Camera Sequencer playblast
- Crash in rigs using xformMatrix plug on transforms
- Crash rotating the controllers on a splineIK rig
- Keying a large number of attributes in animation layers is extremely slow
- Merging animation layers breaks texture display with UV tiling
- HIK rig in Parallel Evaluation mode crashes on load

- Shelf icon label cannot be saved
- Crash when switching workspace
- Export selected also exports referenced editsMA files
- Graph Editor : Cannot copy/paste keys if the script editor window is underneath
- Graph Editor : Pressing "F" to frame keys brings the Hypershade to the foreground
- Error when querying attributes on uvPin node through API
- Crash opening Alias wire model
- Vanishing surfaces when WIRE import using Aruba tessellation and stitching
- Show/hide commands can modify locked/connected visibility attributes
- Slow save performance with mayaAscii files when using long string attributes with new lines
- Crash when python sequence object is passed to objectType command
- Plugin compiled with "-ffast-math" causes Maya to crash for certain operations

- F To frame components In Isolated View will frame entire mesh
- Snapping : Incorrect component snapping
- When referencing a skin mesh with history, "Non-Deformer History" will break the skin's weight
- Cache: Moving faces and edges are slower than vertices after Remesh
- Multi-Cut tool not working after starting Maya in DirectX 11 mode
- Removing locked components from a mesh is slow
- Viewcube disappears clicking multi-cut tool in Modeling toolkit
- Bool : Large list of inputs will offset the Bool Stack options menu for operation and display type

- Performance regression when running a mel script

- zoom with alt + mouse scroll wheel not working
- Copy > Paste with MMB causes double paste in Script editor

- MaterialX/USD : V2 lighting should support ambient lights
- Selection changes trigger instance matrix updates, and that is slow
- Some Skinning becomes broken after USD Export and Import
- Outliner : When parenting an item to an unloaded group, the hierarchy cannot be collapsed
- Load with descendants collapses expanded sibling hierarchies
- When parenting a prim to a collapsed group, it auto-expands the group
- USD : Animation performance very slow on certain assets - USD reports animated mesh topology
- USD : Exporting the attached maya file using USD takes extremely long

- Toggling off Hold-Outs in the Show menu shows incorrect material color
- Image planes cannot be selected in some cases
- MPxGeometryOverride selection bug when vertices drawn through MUIDrawManager::lineStrip
- VP2 : MPxContext::drawFeedback not being cleared when camera is moved
- Selection priority of joints and selection handles is the same in VP2
- VP2 : Normals Display Scale does not work on NURBS surfaces
- OGS detecting wrong GPU memory limit on certain Intel GPU systems (1024)
- Standard Surface displays black if UDIM file texture is connected to multiple channels
- Cannot select face with default material option enabled
- Reparenting can break material bindings in the Viewport
- Provide feedback when setting uvTilingMode=3 to load tile texture

Autodesk Maya 2022.3
- Crash when copying skin weights
- CPU blendshape does not match GPU deformation
- Crash in TvertexEdgeIterator::edgeVertex when saving due to threading issue
- Blendshape forces upstream driver/inputTarget deformers on CPU
- Setting influence type on Wrap deformer causes crash
- CompressUndo has incorrect behavior
- Camera Sequencer : Crash when shot name contains only numbers
- Mac HiDPI : 3D Cut and Sew UV Tool preselection highlighting is broken

Animation Performance:
- Cached Playback : Deformer results can be affected by background caching. Deformers affected: Wrap, ProximityWrap, Cluster, DeltaMush, FFD (Lattice), FuncDeformer, Tension, Solidify, Wire, ProximityPin, UVPin
- Unable to attach deformer to individual nParticles
- Parallel Evaluation : Motion trail does not update when edited in the Graph Editor
- NCloth shapes appear with no 3D shading when Cached Playback is off

- FBX export mesh with bones incorrectly assigns Lambert materials

First Experience:
- AppHome triggering a crash at launch
- Perspective grid settings are not working

- Custom Transform does not work with rotate manipulator in object space
- Crash from nodes with compound and time attribute connections
- Crash when deleting objects that use Look Through Selected
- Mayapy crashes with kMayaExiting callback
- Copying referenced node's name from Attribute Editor triggers Maya's node copy/paste.
- Crash if textScrollList has no font

- Using sculpting tools such as Relax will make faces disappear
- Crash using Soft Select in Modeling Toolkit
- Linux and Mac : Crash when point snapping pivot
- Undo : Not working for the new Primitives
- DX11 : Crash when using Move Tool and point snapping
- Not all texture files are displayed in Texture Centric UV linking window
- Extrusion crash in CollectLines or CollectFacets function

- File node performance slows down in Node Editor because of OCIO setting

- Right-click changes componentFallof painting target
- Match transform does not work with HIK effectors/custom transforms
- GoToBindPose problem with Joints having Offset Parent Matrix values
- Cmds.controller prints that it is selecting a controller
- Deleting proxy attribute and saving the scene causes crash
- GPU Override : Attribute does not update correctly with mouse drag in Attribute Editor/Channel Box
- Disconnecting solver from an IK Handle causes crash
- Morph : Mirror mode crashes with component lookup
- Crash when using Wire deformer with custom deformer weights
- Undo/redo in Node Editor after saving can cause a crash
- ParentConstraint Attribute Editor template breaks with multiple constraints driving multiple targets

- Mac Big Sur : Maya switches Mission Control space when invoking Hotbox marking menu in fullscreen mode
- Show > Objects filter of Node Editor inside Hypershade is inconsistent in Maya with different languages

- Export selection with animation does not export animation
- USD : Shadows not cast properly in certain cases

- Transparent back faces are incorrectly occluded by transparent front faces
- MRenderer::render can't render namespaced cameras in batch mode
- Inconsistent joint click detection

Known Limitations:
- Arnold Hydra viewport fails after object selection with USD 0.13.0 and MtoA
- With the MayaUSD 0.13.0 plug-in, the Arnold Hydra viewport stops working after you select an object. This issue does not occur with MayaUSD 0.12.0. See the details on GitHub

Autodesk Maya 2022.2
- Bullet physics pivots are not updated when constraints or rigidbodys are moved
- Colored keyframes are all the same color on the Timeline
- Tangents are not correctly applied via the setKeyframe command when running in mayapy/batch mode
- MGPUDeformerBuffer of the targetGeometry is INVALID in the basicMorphGPUDeformer::evaluate() function
- Morph forces upstream morphTarget/driver deformers onto CPU
- Crash with Key Reducer Filter Preview when Time Range set to All
- Camera Sequencer : Sound hitch when switching between audio clips

Animation Performance:
- GPU Override : Animated material is causing scene graph to be constantly repartitioned
- Parallel Evaluation : AnimLayers that have single keys are not evaluated
- Parallel Evaluation : Crash scrubbing Timeline when nucleus nodes are present
- Crash when pulling on matrix as Xform and matrix
- Crash when evaluating multi attributes with mix of static and animated attributes
- Parallel Evaluation : Slow Viewport refresh with scenes using LOD groups
- Cached Playback : Crash from attributes pulling animation from multiple animated condition nodes
- Parallel Evaluation : Keys added with MFnAnimCurve::addKeys to an existing flat curve do not update animation
- Cached Playback : Crash during playback if smooth mesh divisions are animated

- Paint Skin Weights Opacity and Value sliders are too short
- Maya doesn't run on Debian 10 - missing
- MPointArray / MVectorArray class indexing returns a copy instead of a reference
- Decimal places in the UI are rounded to 7 digits
- New awBoost libraries do not have namespace 'awBoost'
- Maya crashes when running code that manipulates MPlugs
- shiboken2 module breaks Python error display in the script editor
- Graph Editor : Curves are not displayed when opened through panel menu
- Marking Menu Editor cannot be opened because hotkeyEditor.mel is missing from Mayascriptsstartup folder

- Warp Image function result is broken
- Maya freezes when creating expression if gameVertexCount plugin is loaded
- Normal-based UV mapping fails with polyTexturePlacementPanel1 error when launched from UV Editor
- Instance command does not copy transform values when called with a shape node

Motion Graphics:
- Error when importing "httplib2" module in MASH plugin
- Referencing file that uses MASH without MASH loaded will add MashFilter in namespace

- Heavy falloff setup doesn't update properly
- Wire deformer "Bind to original geometry" flag is broken

- Graph Editor is blank after docking
- Windows Multi-Touch Gestures no longer recognized in Maya

- MayaUSD Point Snapping: When moving a pivot (such as rotate pivot) we WOULD like to snap to the selected object

- Maya crashes when enabling shadows for Xgen scene
- GPU detection on Linux with non-standard displays creates Xorg.100.log file
- Maya does not utilize texture file clamping with GLSL shaders
- GPU Cache geometry doesn't respect Selection Highlighting
- VP2.0 : Crash from IBL shader referencing a deleted render target
- VP2.0 : Stereo cameras do not load in Viewport
- VP2.0 : Double Sided OFF prevents back-face selection

Autodesk Maya 2022.1
- Parallel Evaluation : Toon Shader : Changing Lighting Based Width on outline has no effect
- Keying quaternion rotation with auto-key generates wrong values
- Cached Playback : IFF image planes do not display using Arnold renderer
- BlendShape targets with no delta information do not evaluate on GPU
- Image Planes: Aspect Ratio doesn't respect aspect ratio of image
- Cached Playback : EXRs in imagePlane get darker on playback
- Crash manipulating eye target controller
- Devkit : simpleSimulationNode : Simulation jumps when interrupted and restarted
- Animation Layer : Rig Constraint rotation does not work
- Scaling keys in Graph Editor triggers CPU instead of GPU evaluation
- Parallel Evaluation : Hard crash on file open with empty evaluation results
- Left-dragging on Channel Box triggers CPU instead of GPU evaluation
- Ctrl + Left-drag on Attribute Editor triggers CPU evaluation before GPU evaluation

- Enum Property doesn't retain selection when importing FBX file into MotionBuilder
- PSD File Texture node not updating in VP2 when switching layers
- Unable to rebind Show Hotbox and Hide Hotbox hotkeys to the same hotkey (press/release)

- The default values for vectorArray dynamic attributes are not saved
- Mac: Paint weights or sculpt brush cursor overlay disappears after toggling panes
- Crash when importing Catia .cgr file
- Fix missing pyside2-uic and pyside2-rcc.exe files in PySide 5.15.1 artifact
- Python 3: Random result or crash when accessing Python API 2.0 arrays with out of range or negative index
- File export time increases with scene complexity between Maya 2019 and 2020
- buildconfig file in devkit still uses -std=c++11
- Unable to re-dock all floating windows on KDE
- Saved preset for Game Exporter does not include attribute includeChildren
- MAYA_CER_INCLUDE_SCENE_NAME can send incorrect file name
- Mac: Maya disappears and starts beeping when activating the hotbox in OSX Fullscreen mode
- Python 3: Error in Maya with Python 3 when exporting and importing XGen presets

- Bake Pivot is slow on large meshes
- Scale Tool Reset does not restore axis mode back to Object
- UV Unfold not working correctly unless transforms are frozen
- UV linking broken if object has the same name in another hierarchy
- Sculpting: Regression in performance from 2019

- OCIOv2: context variable in LUT search path doesn't work
- OCIOv2: Maya fails to start if unresolved context variables are present

- Morph with ComponentMatch cause Maya to freeze while saving
- Variable definition error in
- Bezier handles & CVs don't work with Component Tags
- Deleting originalShape will crash Maya on GPU
- Maya crashes using InvertShape on nurbSurface

- "-columnWidth" of scriptTable command can't be set to less than 42
- UI Scaling: Checkboxes display incorrectly with scaling set to 150%
- USD:
- USD Point Snapping snaps to incorrect instance
- GitHub #1340] Mute layer doesn't work when a Layer is loaded through Load Sublayer
- GitHub #900] Viewport highlighting does not work as expected for invisible instances
- xformOp:transform creates an incorrect object space
- GitHub #1388] Standard Surface materials exporting IOR with incorrect values
- GitHub #1316] Layer Editor save icon missing when Interface Scaling is 125%
- UFE Camera changes to reflect external data model's value on import
- GitHub #951] Incorrect Viewport selection for "bounds" drawMode
- GitHub #327] VP2RenderDelegate: Support per-instance data via inheritance
- Cannot viewport frame USD prims with proxy purpose

- OGS plug-in path should prefer MAYA_LOCATION over exe path
- GPU Cache with Offset Parent Matrix doesn't live update in Viewport
- Default locator VP2 support doesn't allow plug-in to provide subscene override
- VP2: Image Plane + Quad Draw makes object disappear
- VP2: MSceneRender always rendering selection highlight even though it is not set in the MSceneFilterOption (kRenderPostSceneUIItems is disabled)
- Crash when hiding custom manipulators in ShowManips tool
- ation

Autodesk Maya 2021
- Change log not available for this version

Autodesk Maya 2020.3
- Hotbox controls set to animation only shows rigging and animation after restart MAYA-106202
- Caching : Crash selecting audio track in Camera Sequencer MAYA-104674
- Caching : Temporary values remain when time is advanced MAYA-104932
- Evaluation Toolkit: Printing scheduling type for a node is broken MAYA-104710
- EM manipulation not working when some channels do not have keys MAYA-105404
- toggleEvaluationManagerManipulation() method is missing MAYA-106614
- Unable to open Expression Editor if Preferences become corrupt MAYA-105976
- Rigs incorrect with Stepped tangents, Prevent frame skipping disabled and Smoothed meshes MAYA-105433
- NodeEditor: GraphEditorInfo node shows in node editor when saving MAYA-106054
- Error occurs after changing input deformer order of geometry when another instance of maya launched MAYA-106028
- Blend Shape: No error message when creating a Blend Shape on the wrong node MAYA-106043
- Manipulating keys not visible in GraphEditor window causes crash MAYA-105892
- Blend Shape outputs are not listed in the Channel box outputs MAYA-106671
- Channel Box history breaks on shared lattices MAYA-106453
- Graph Editor: "Only scale selected keys" in Scale Keys Tool not working MAYA-105497
- findRelatedSkinClusters does not work with full paths MAYA-106164
- Camera Sequencer loses audio sync when offset, source start/end of audio node are animated MAYA-104359
- Time Editor : Crash when adding more than 127 single channel animated nodes MAYA-104800
- Time Editor : Bake to Scene with multiple clips selected causes errors MAYA-105470
- MFnAnimCurve causes keys to display as altered MAYA-104908
- Caching: Maya 2012 rig opened in 2019/2020 exhibits skinning artifacts MAYA-104866
- Grab tool makes Blend Shapes jump to approximated points MAYA-105776
- Parallel Evaluation : Geometry explodes into shapes starting from the freeFormFilletSrf node MAYA-106413
- Parallel Evaluation : Make Curve Dynamic Crash in - awnSolver::nDynamicalComplex::comp_kdop_trees MAYA-105904
- Parallel Evaluation : Crash playing back scenes with concurrent unit conversions MAYA-106004
- Crash when rotating poly plane geometry that has proxpin constraint MAYA-104680

- Importing certain FBX files from Adobe Fuse with blend shapes crashes Maya 2020 MAYA-104915
- Open or Import of FBX files in 2020 crashes Maya. MAYA-105046
- Foundation:
- Incorrect RUNPATH in Maya libs on Linux MAYA-106195
- 3 extra zeroes get added to float values when editing in AE, if decimal separator is a comma (i.e. via German OS Region setting) MAYA-105206
- OpenMaya function MItMeshVertex.getNormal crashes Maya MAYA-106422
- Qt: Error when compiling QT devkit plugins on Mac because of full Qt lib paths generated by qmake MAYA-105617
- Crash on startup if user install of PySide2 interferes with Maya MAYA-106332
- Dragging the points of a color ramp control created by "gradientControlNoAttr" changes the color in the control. MAYA-105914
- Cannot load plug-ins which has dot "." in the names via "requires" statement. MAYA-104060
- Maya 2020 shiboken2 is missing dependency: MAYA-106425
- Auto-save is not skipped if there were no changes since previous user save or auto-save MAYA-106560
- Calling thisMObject from a MPxManipContainer crashes Maya MAYA-105729
- MacOS crash when hovering over an area that should trigger a Toolclip MAYA-106428
- Maya crashes when hovering mouse over Toolbox with setup of GL version <= 2.0 MAYA-106538
- MDagModifier deleting parent if all children are deleted MAYA-105888
- MArray disregards Python reference counting and crashes Maya MAYA-104317
- Referencing file with '#' in it's name or file path will disable namespace creation MAYA-105315
- Maya can't open compressed files with spaces in the filename MAYA-104853
- Parts of docked Hypershade UI (or AE) will be black or empty after UI operation MAYA-105644
- Double clicking on Preferences cancel button will cause error MAYA-106256
- MDagMessage matrix modified callback not fired for local matrix changes MAYA-104815
- Preferences can become corrupted if launching of prefs window errors MAYA-105247
- Calling MSelectionList getPlug() when having a certain type of plugin, the list fails with a TypeError. MAYA-106235
- Sound is not playing correctly when changes are made to Audio Silence MAYA-106368
- getAttr -multiIndices returns incorrect value on connected ramps MAYA-105872
- Break connections also breaks proxy attributes in referenced file MAYA-105199
- Mac: Users can't debug plug-in on notarized build of Maya MAYA-106801
- Devkit: locatorHelperShapeExport errors when exporting mesh MAYA-105745
- DevKit: Python plugin missing toolOffCleanup to clean up callback MAYA-105501

- UVs become corrupt on undo after polyDelEdge command MAYA-105492
- Manipulators jump around when working with instances MAYA-105687
- Display only selected UVs in the UV Editor when viewing connected faces MAYA-104511
- Sculpt mode turns object black when using non default material shading MAYA-106337
- Crash when using Sculpt Tool with 3D stamp MAYA-106400
- Motion Graphics:
- MASH: Memory leak on Distribute Node MAYA-106172
- MASH 35 times slower to build in 2020 than in 2019 MAYA-105387
- Cannot change geometry type on MASH networks MAYA-106487
- Crash when baking particle instancer MAYA-106556
- Rendering
- ShaderBallOrthoCamera1 error when loading file with the Hypershade open if no UI scriptNode is present MAYA-104524

- Getting value of world matrix from transform node in worldMatrixChanged callback isn't correct MAYA-106025
- CurveInfo node controlPoints attr returns None MAYA-105896
- Hold Matrix Node doesn't hold matrix MAYA-106026
- outMesh-inMesh connections override deltaMush on the second mesh MAYA-104940
- Graph Editor: Regression when "Display Assets" setting is on MAYA-105107
- MFnSkinCluster.setWeights() causes a crash when skin cluster influence is a matrix node MAYA-106547
- curveWarp scaleCurve doesn't update when driven through custom attributes MAYA-105848
- Deleting Non-Deformer History also deletes deformer history in certain cases MAYA-104879
- BlendShape doesn't blend properly on GPU MAYA-106511
- Errors on scene load without an error message with proxy attributes MAYA-106024
- Rivet errors out on creation MAYA-106027
- composeMatrix's InputQuat attribute's short name changed from iq to oq MAYA-106604

- Hypergraph middle-click drag menu shows drag-outputs instead of drop-inputs MAYA-105580
- Expanded asset moves when contained node is moved in hypergraph MAYA-105770
- XGen:
- XGen hair rendering regression on certain frame changes MAYA-105545
- Mac: XGen Interactive Groom Editor display issue MAYA-105678
- “space” keyword doesn’t follow XGen conventions: it should be "xgen_space” MAYA-106016
- XGen doesn’t respect transform/group hierarchy in VP2 MAYA-106016
- Log files can exceed 100 MB due to XGen errors and messages MAYA-106016
- No support for xgen_cv_break in Alembic MAYA-106016
- XGen AnimWires don’t work with namespaces MAYA-106016

- 3D Paint Effects don't update in the viewport until orbiting the view MAYA-106343
- MPxSubSceneOverride draws UI drawables in the wrong place MAYA-104996
- Using devkit fileTexture node for displacement will crash Maya during opening the scene MAYA-105065
- Image Plane created from script not updating without Attribute Editor open MAYA-105599
- Invalid Undo result from script which causes objects to lose material MAYA-105359
- imagePlane display broken in Legacy Viewport MAYA-105701
- Built-in imageplane flickers and crashes in VP2.0 when mouse-dragging frameOffset MAYA-105813
- VP2RenderDelegate: transparent instances are not drawn with expected transformation MAYA-104688
- VP2 doesn't update properly with hierarchy changes in Isolate Selection mode MAYA-105657
- VP2 doesn't update with image planes that have custom attributes MAYA-104942
- (Maya LT) viewport rendering is broken in 2020 MAYA-106575

Autodesk Maya 2020.2
UV Editing: Unfold3D Process Error:
- Many users on systems with newer, high-end CPUs like Ryzen 3900x series have reported issues and 'Unfold3D Process Error' messages when unwrapping or optimizing UVs. If you run Maya using one of these high performance CPUs, you can now set the environment variable MAYA_USE_ALTERNATE_UNFOLD_SHIM = 1 to use the Unfold3D tools. MAYA-103824

Output from mayapy routed incorrectly:
- Output from mayapy was being routed through stderr rather than being split between stdout & stderr. Two new environment variables, MAYA_BATCH_STDOUT_LOGGING_LEVEL and MAYA_BATCH_STDERR_LOGGING_LEVEL, have been added to control what is output to stderr and stdout by scripts, commands, and API calls. Valid values for both variables are all, info, result, warning, error, and none. MAYA_BATCH_STDOUT_LOGGING_LEVEL defaults to none. MAYA_BATCH_STDERR_LOGGING_LEVEL defaults to all. When neither environment variable is set, all output goes to stderr. MAYA-104079

- Slow off-frame context evaluation with animation layers MAYA-103887
- Caching : Crash running cache correctness test on sphere with ncloth MAYA-104390
- Ghosting : Crash unghosting selected MAYA-104351
- BlendShapes: Target connections not working and causes crashes MAYA-104324
- Graph Editor : Playback performance regression when Graph Editor is open MAYA-104293
- bifrostGraph evaluator and custom evaluators (simpleEvaluator, testMTopologyEvaluator) in devkit have conflicting Node IDs MAYA-104302
- recordAttr: doesn't record keyframes and esc does not work MAYA-104288
- Unicode error when cache is in safe mode with particles MAYA-104200
- dbpeek -op node crashes on custom nodes MAYA-104019
- DG Frame is more expensive in EM mode vs DG mode MAYA-103968
- Merging animation layers deletes keyframes outside of the current time-slider range MAYA-103771
- softMod with membership and nurbs doesn't work in Maya 2020 MAYA-104106
- Full DAG Paths when exporting animation breaks animImport MAYA-104209
- HIK: Auto key on layers causing HIK rig deformity MAYA-103667
- Crash on playblast with error "Parameter was not found: view_transform" MAYA-103616
- Custom evaluator is not registered if priority matches an existing evaluator's priority MAYA-103581

- File saved with exportSelectedStrict creates foster parent node MAYA-104553
- MayaClockServer is broken MAYA-104348
- Crash when launching via terminal with -nosplash flag MAYA-104265
- MSelectionList.getPlug() returns a plug for a selected component instead of NULL object MAYA-104182
- Object selection lag for object with a large DAG graph MAYA-103076
- Auto-select set members preference in the Outliner breaks the Sets Relationship Editor MAYA-104116
- Crash in MModelMessage after duplicate callback when doing second duplication MAYA-103847
- 24-bit audio f