Amazing Text Editor for Windows supporting large files and Unicode!

EmEditor Professional (64-bit)

EmEditor Professional 19.4.0 (64-bit)

  -  39.28 MB  -  Trial

Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the operating system.

Software makers usually fix these issues but it can take them some time. What you can do in the meantime is to download and install an older version of EmEditor Professional 19.4.0 (64-bit).

For those interested in downloading the most recent release of EmEditor Professional (64-bit) or reading our review, simply click here.

All old versions distributed on our website are completely virus-free and available for download at no cost.

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  • EmEditor Professional 19.4.0 (64-bit) Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    EmEditor Professional 19.4.0 (64-bit) Screenshot 1
  • EmEditor Professional 19.4.0 (64-bit) Screenshot 2
  • EmEditor Professional 19.4.0 (64-bit) Screenshot 3
  • EmEditor Professional 19.4.0 (64-bit) Screenshot 4
  • EmEditor Professional 19.4.0 (64-bit) Screenshot 5

What's new in this version:

New General Features:
- Enhanced the AutoFill feature to be used in non-CSV documents and CSV documents without the cell selection mode, and it’s called AutoRepeat. Dragging the AutoRepeat handle with the mouse will copy the selected text or series toward the dragging direction
- The new version allows you to drag the right or left selection border to extend or shrink the selection. This is useful when you want to adjust the selection again after you make a text selection with the mouse. dragging the top or bottom selection border to make a vertical selection. In case of multiple selections, dragging the right or left border of each selection will adjust the width of each selection
- Increased the maximum number of CSV formats to 64, but only the first 8 CSV formats can be detected automatically when opening a document
- Enhanced macros related to CSV definition to allow creating temporary CSV formats while running macros
- In the new version, the Rename command (formerly Rename and Save command) can be used for untitled documents without actually saving
- Improved the speed of the Copy, Cut and Paste commands

New Options:
- Added the Toolbar button title check box and text box to the CSV page of the Customize dialog box
- Added the Drag selection border to extend/shrink selection, and Enable AutoRepeat handle in non-Cell Selection Mode check boxes to the Mouse page of the Customize dialog box
- Added the 512 bytes per line, 1,024 bytes per line, and 4,096 bytes per line formats to the Binary (Hexadecimal View) drop-down list box in the Format page of the Customize dialog box

New Commands:
- Added the Rename command to the tab menu (context menu displayed when a document tab is right-clicked)

Macro New Features:
- Added the CsvList collection
- Added the AllowDelimiter, AllowNL, EnableTitle, Escape, FirstDetectLine, Heading, LinesCell, MaxDetectLines, MinDetectDelimiter, and Title properties to the Csv object