One of the most popular DB servers - made by the developers of MySQL!


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  • Latest Version

    MariaDB 11.2.2 LATEST

  • Review by

    Daniel Leblanc

  • Operating System

    Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64 / Windows 11

  • User Rating

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  • Author / Product

    MariaDB Foundation / External Link

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  • MD5 Checksum


MariaDB Server is one of the most popular database servers in the world. It’s made by the original developers of MySQL and guaranteed to stay open source. Notable users include Wikipedia,, and Google.

It turns data into structured information in a wide array of applications, ranging from banking to websites. It is an enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL. MariaDB is used because it is fast, scalable, and robust, with a rich ecosystem of storage engines, plugins, and many other tools that make it very versatile for a wide variety of use cases.

The app is developed as open-source software and as a relational database, it provides an SQL interface for accessing data. The latest versions of Maria DB also include GIS and JSON features.

MariaDB Server began its life as a fork of MySQL, inheriting the strong performance and the legacy Relational DBMS capabilities that made the ecosystem so popular in the first place. In the years since this fork, differences have begun to emerge between these platforms, as It has advanced as a leader in its own right.

These differences translate into advantages, many of which are specific to users, including enhancements to the optimizer, window functions, system and application-time period versioned tables, replication and clustering support, and support for new storage engines like ColumnStore, MyRocks, Spider, and Aria.

In the interest of providing a superior product, the Server utilizes its own testing suite for evaluating new features and patches. This suite includes many more tests and bugs found in these tests are fixed before the code ships. Furthermore, the tests are run against several configurations of Maria DB Server, to better test the feature in different environments, and are not run when the feature is not available in the given configuration.

It includes a number of new features and extensions. When the community submits patches or features that are found to be useful, safe, and stable, every effort is made to integrate them with and include in the program.

  • MariaDB 11.2.2 Screenshots

    The images below have been resized. Click on them to view the screenshots in full size.

    MariaDB 11.2.2 Screenshot 1
  • MariaDB 11.2.2 Screenshot 2
  • MariaDB 11.2.2 Screenshot 3

What's new in this version:

- DROP INDEX followed by CREATE INDEX may corrupt data
- ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED table: InnoDB: 2048 bytes should have been read. Only 0 bytes read.
- Server aborts during alter operation when table doesn't have foreign index
- row_merge_fts_doc_tokenize() handles FTS plugin parser inconsistently
- InnoDB: tried to purge non-delete-marked record of an index on a virtual column prefix
- lock_row_lock_current_waits counter in information_schema.innodb_metrics may become negative
- SET GLOBAL innodb_max_purge_lag_wait=… hangs if innodb_read_only=ON
- Auto-increment no longer works for explicit FTS_DOC_ID
- Assertion `pos < table->n_def' failed in dict_table_get_nth_col
- innochecksum man pages seem to be inconsistent with the binary (10.2.25)
- innodb_compression_algorithm=0 (none) increments Innodb_num_pages_page_compression_error
- wrong table name in innodb's "row too big" errors
- Optimize is_file_on_ssd() to speedup opening tablespaces on Windows
- Race condition between page write completion and log checkpoint
- After crash recovery, Checksum mismatch + Failing assertion: !i || prev_id + 1 == space_id,
- Deadlock due to log_free_check(), involving trx_purge_truncate_rseg_history() and trx_undo_assign_low()
- Write-ahead logging is broken for freed pages
- X-lock on supremum for prepared transaction for RR
- Assertion failures in log_sort_flush_list upon crash recovery
- Assertion `purge_sys.tail.trx_no <= purge_sys.rseg->last_trx_no()'
- Assertion `index->is_btree() || index->is_ibuf()' failed in btr_search_guess_on_hash
- InnoDB hang in buf_flush_wait_LRU_batch_end()
- InnoDB may hang when running out of buffer pool
- Corrupt index(es) on busy table when using FOREIGN KEY
- InnoDB Recovery doesn't display encryption message when no encryption configuration passed
- Wrong information about innodb_checksum_algorithm in the information_schema.SYSTEM_VARIABLES
- InnoDB may fail to recover after being killed in fil_delete_tablespace()
- Create separate tpool thread for async aio
- UNDO logs still growing for write-intensive workloads
- Increase the default for innodb_purge_batch_size from 300 to 1000
- Deprecate innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency.
- The motivation for introducing this in MySQL seems to have been to avoid stalls due to freeing undo log pages or truncating undo log tablespaces. In MariaDB, innodb_undo_log_truncate=ON should be a much lighter operation because it will not involve any log checkpoint.
- Slow full index scan in 10.6 vs 10.5 for the (slow) I/O-bound case
- LOAD DATA into InnoDB w/partitions: huge performance loss, affected 10.6+
- Disable read-ahead for temporary tablespace
- Wrong result of: WHERE inet6_column IN ('','::1')

- Crash when HAVING in a correlated subquery references columns in the outer query
- Server crashes at TABLE::add_tmp_key
- Server crashes inside filesort at my_decimal::to_binary
- Assertion `bitmap_is_set(&m_part_info->read_partitions, m_part_spec.start_part)' failed in ha_partition::handle_ordered_index_scan
- Crash when searching for the best split of derived table
- Test case from opt_tvc.test fails with statement memory protection
- Significant slowdown for query with many outer joins
- test_if_skip_sort_order() should catch the join types JT_EQ_REF, JT_CONST and JT_SYSTEM and skip sort order for these
- jointable materialization subquery optimization ignoring errors, then failing ASSERT.
- Server crashes in JOIN::cleanup after erroneous query with view
- Prepared statement return wrong result (missing row)
- Assertion `range->rows >= s->found_records' failed in best_access_path
- Raise notes when an index cannot be used on data type mismatch
- Replication:
- rpl.rpl_parallel_temptable failure due to incorrect commit optimization of temptables
- Lock wait timeout with INSERT-SELECT, autoinc, and statement-based replication
- strings/ctype-ucs2.c:2336: my_vsnprintf_utf32: Assertion `(n % 4) == 0' failed in my_vsnprintf_utf32 on INSERT
- Assertion fails in MDL_context::acquire_lock upon parallel replication of CREATE SEQUENCE
- SHOW SLAVE STATUS Last_SQL_Errno Race Condition on Errored Slave Restart
- seconds_behind_master is inaccurate for Delayed replication
- detailize the semisync replication magic number error
- Parallel replication deadlock victim preference code errorneously removed
- Parallel replication lags because innobase_kill_query() may fail to interrupt a lock wait
- Missed kill when the SQL driver thread goes to wait for parallel slave worker queues to drain

- Assertion `state() == s_executing || state() == s_prepared || state() == s_committing || state() == s_must_abort || state() == s_replaying' failed.
- Assertion `state() == s_executing || state() == s_preparing || state() == s_prepared || state() == s_must_abort || state() == s_aborting || state() == s_cert_failed || state() == s_must_replay' failed
- wsrep_sst_mariabackup not working on FreeBSD
- Galera library 26.4.16 fails with every server version
- Galera node remains paused after interleaving FTWRLs
- Failed to insert streaming client
- When set at runtime, wsrep_sst_method accepts any value
- galera needs packaging script changes to successfully build
- replication breaks when using optimistic replication and replica is a galera node
- McAfee database vulnerability scan caused MariaDB crash with signal 6 (system abort)
- Assertion `mode_ == m_local || transaction_.is_streaming()' failed in int wsrep::client_state::bf_abort(wsrep::seqno)
- Data Definition:
- MariaDB crash on calling function
- ASAN errors in grn_obj_unlink / ha_mroonga::clear_indexes upon index operations
- vcol circular references lead to stack overflow
- Server crashes in Alter_info::add_stat_drop_index upon CREATE TABLE
- Scripts and Clients:
- mariadb-binlog -T/--table (mysqlbinlog) option
- mariadb-admin (mysqladmin) wrong error with simple_password_check
- mariadb-install-db shows warning on missing directory $pamtooldir/auth_pam_tool_dir
- main.mysql_client_test, main.mysql_client_test_comp failed on ASAN build with error: 5888, status: 23, errno: 2
- mariadb-install-db (mysql_install_db) doesn't properly grant proxy privileges to all default root user accounts

- MariaBackup full backup failed with InnoDB: Failing assertion: success in storage/innobase/fil/ line 657
- mbstream breaks page compression on XFS
- Character Sets, Data Types, Collations:
- Prefix keys for CHAR work differently for MyISAM vs InnoDB
- Inconsistent results of DISTINCT with NOPAD
- Assertion `(length % 4) == 0' failed in my_lengthsp_utf32 on INSERT
- Compressed varchar values lost on joins when sorting on columns from joined table(s)
- UBSAN shift exponent X is too large for 64-bit type 'long long int' in sql/
- Wrong bit encoding using COALESCE
- utf8mb3_key_col=utf8mb4_value cannot be used for ref access

- Spider UBSAN runtime error: applying non-zero offset x to null pointer in st_spider_param_string_parse::restore_delims
- Segfault when setting spider_delete_all_rows to 0 and delete all rows of a spider table, ASAN heap-use-after-free in spider_db_delete_all_rows
- ASAN errors in spider_fields::free_conn_holder or spider_create_group_by_handler
- ASAN: heap-buffer-overflow & stack-buffer-overflow in spider_db_mbase_row::append_to_str | SIGSEGV's in memmove_avx_unaligned_erms from memcpy in Binary_string::q_append, in Static_binary_string::q_append and my_strntoull10rnd_8bit | Unknown error 12801

- binlog_do_db option breaks importing sql dumps
- Crashes in MDL_key::mdl_key_init with lower-case-table-names=2
- getting error 'Illegal parameter data types row and bigint for operation '+' ' when using ITERATE in a FOR..DO
- Assertion `arena_for_set_stmt== 0' failed in LEX::set_arena_for_set_stmt upon SET STATEMENT
- main.mysqlcheck fails on ARM with ASAN use-after-poison in my_mb_wc_filename
- Assertion failed: !pfs->m_idle || (state == PSI_SOCKET_STATE_ACTIVE)
- MyISAM wrong server status flags
- Server crashes in check_sequence_fields upon CREATE TABLE .. SEQUENCE=1 AS SELECT ..
- slow log Rows_examined out of range
- "rpm --setugids" breaks PAM authentication
- incorrect examined rows in case of stored function usage
- Compilation failing on MacOS (unknown warning option -Wno-unused-but-set-variable)
- Server crash upon inserting into Mroonga table with compressed column
- hash unique corrupts index on virtual blobs
- insert into an empty table fails with hash unique
- Valgrind/MSAN warnings in dynamic_column_update_move_left
- Memory leak showed in MDEV-6146 test suite
- Test from subselect.test fails with statement memory protection
- Memory leak when executing PS for query with IN subquery
- Allow the setting of Auto_increment on FK referenced columns
- mariadb-upgrade fails with sql_safe_updates = on
- Assertion `!(thd->server_status & (1U | 8192U))' failed in MDL_context::release_transactional_locks
- Information schema leaks table names and structure to unauthorized users
- Missing CHACHA20-POLY1305 support in WolfSSL
- incorrect error about cyclic reference about JSON type virtual column
- Disable TLS v1.0 and 1.1 for MariaDB
- Better indication of refusing to start because of ProtectHome
- Database upgrade fails: slow_log table
- myrocks_hotbackup.1 and test suite files installed when engine is disabled
- client_ed25519.dll isn't inluded for HeidiSQL.
- Assertion `!m_null_value' failed in int FixedBinTypeBundle<FbtImpl>::cmp_item_fbt::compare or in cmp_item_inet6::compare
- LeakSanitizer errors in get_quick_select or Assertion `status_var.local_memory_used == 0 || !debug_assert_on_not_freed_memory' failed
- Update signal hander user info more compassion and correct url
- maria-install-db fails on MacOS
- MSAN / Valgrind errors in Item_func_like::get_mm_leaf upon query from partitioned table
- MSAN / Valgrind errors in Item_func_like::get_mm_leaf with temporal field
- ASAN errors in base_list_iterator::next / setup_table_map upon 2nd execution of PS
- safe_mutex: Found wrong usage of mutex 'LOCK_thd_data' and 'wait_mutex'
- Docker Official Images:
- Invert single and double quotes for sql command definitions in due to failure under sql_mode=ANSI_QUOTES - contribution by Dominik Häckel
- --no-defaults behaviour was corrected - reported by Dominik Häckel
- Added /docker-entrypoint-init.d for tar{,compression} from mariadb-backup - instructions
- Refactor docker_mariadb_init in the entrypoint for extending the MariaDB image
- CIS failure due to world-writable directory /var/run/mysqld, added sticky bit - reported by @ollie1
- Add PROXY privileges for root@MARIADB_ROOT_HOST - reported by Matthieu Gusmini
- added --galera_online test, to match what the mariadb-operator does.

- Added the note_verbosity system variable to manage notes when an index cannot be used

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